
@thechansen: ...I would see this movie...although something about it seems familiar, I just can't put my finger on it...

@Lord_Necrosis: Definitely bigoted towards rednecks, though

@MarcusMaximus: And they'll be talking about how awesome they are even though they were shit 10 minutes ago...

@amols: I was under the impression that it had to be bought somewhere in the process by somebody, in order to be cracked and put up on the torrent sites, which is effectively the same thing.

Just curious, how many of you who are saying piracy = lost sale have ever borrowed a game or a movie from a friend? How many of you, after returning the game or movie to your friend, went out and bought the game? If you didn't buy it and are saying piracy = lost sales, I am seeing you as somewhat of a hypocrite.

@DocSeuss: Except, if you go back in time and pirate it and never buy it, there would be no reason in the future for you to go back in time and pirate it instead of buying it...

@infinitezero: I bought it mainly for the single player and the occasional multiplayer with friends, but mostly the single player

Cue the millions of kids complaining about never hearing back from jobs they applied to using their email address...More jobs for the smarter people sounds good to me :)

@Jack Musick: HR departments across the world would laugh as they shredded applications listing a facebook email address. If you have a facebook email address, I can almost guarantee a company will think you are going to sit there on your facebook at work if they hire you.

@FriedPeeps: Aren't those better than "that general guy from transformers"?

@Skunky: Didn't know commenting on Kotaku paid so well ;)

@pettiblay: and HR departments will laugh as they shred applications from people using a Facebook mail account in a couple of years :)

@HotSoup: This! Not looking forward to all of the people complaining about why they never hear back from potential employers when they apply via their facebook email...

@Sakilla: Yes, it should run on pretty much anything since it is a java-based game. Runs on the 3 big OSes and should work on any system that is newer than 2000 (maybe older than that too, haven't tried...)