
@strich: I have an i7 XPS 16 lappy and XPS 420 desktop currently and both are running fantastic and generally problem free

I hope this passes because somebody needs to keep Mario's violent goomba stomping ways in check. Think of the goombas!

@sabine_ong: No where does this case restrict it to only M-rated games. It is geared towards an ambiguous classification of 'violent games'. This could mean anything from gears of war to Super Mario (look at him violently stomping the life out of those goombas!).

@Phaz: I was just about to post exactly this...glad I read down a little bit before I did. Since you posted my post for me, I suppose all I can do now is heart click!

@forsinain42: My dad has a bit of an addiction to SSX Tricky on the gamecube...hasn't played in a while, but anytime it comes out of the cabinet, he is easily occupied for at least 5 hours.

@Yankton: Post on Giz and Lifehacker a lot...not starred anywhere, though...

@thinkthis: Ok fine...I see where you are coming from. But, it still doesn't compete with my 16", core i7, 6GB ram, 500 GB hdd laptop that I got for about the same price.

@Ricardo Trujillo: Actually, the worrying aspect is that T-Mobile's infrastructure couldn't handle the larger data influx while other carriers didn't seem to have any similar problems.

@ElephantFace: Batman: Year One is pretty good. Enjoying Superman: Red Son currently. Green Lantern is seeing some interesting times these days, it would seem.

@razzbarry: I plan on doing a couple of the dungeons...maybe it will grow into more than that

@N-Robes: 40-proof? Gotta be at least 80-proof...

My brother-in-law charges $3 for extra large pumpkins...then again he grows a field full himself every year.

@dapper_otter: The Adrian/Tecumseh area has a pretty decent Mexican population and some good Mexican restaurants to go with it.

@ShaggE: Restarreded: Maybe this was our retaliation for Canada giving us Justin Bieber...

@Batman: I have to agree, Minsc's dialog is just fantastic in the beginning.

The cans of Rotel in the article image reminded me of one of my favorites.

@Timmy: what is this I don't even