
@TheolaRegulus: In other news: Call of Duty is not like real war, Need for Speed is not supposed teach you how to drive a car, and Guitar Hero is not supposed to teach you how to play guitar

@ixiragnarokixi: don't worry he already one is on its way to facebook HQ as we speak

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

@moonshadowkati: ok, good that's what I thought...couldn't remember if there was an actual set of rules. I think it's time to set up the four square league :)

@romevi04: An old schoolyard game involving a kickball ball and a large square divided into four squares drawn out with chalk....

@vein11: We have an implied phones away policy when a bunch of us go to the bar

@Shin-GO: same...handhelds, retro systems, crisis on infinite earths...My power has been out for the past 2 days, so this is actually what I have been doing :)

@Shin-GO: Plus, even if all of my systems fail to work for some reason (even offline), I still have my comic books

@JRock: I tore apart my old dell inspiron lappy last night to clean it out...5 minutes to disassemble completely, cleaned fan/heat sinks, cleaned off old thermal goo from cpu and heat sink, applied new thermal goo, and reassembled. All in all, about 15 minutes of work. Well worth it.

@Secretone: Holy Crap! I had to go back up and look again to see that it wasn't...

@Timmy: Keeping it on the dresser was probably a better idea than mine...can't remember where exactly I buried mine in the back yard...

@jjswee: Well, of course...Didn't you know success == failure in this day and age?

@Ateryu: That's odd, because a lot of history is mainly about killing...

@Rabid Penguin: My first thought when you mentioned 'Congressmon' was that of a young lobbyist who takes on a journey of using his employer's money to capture as many congressman's special treatment as possible...a true representation of our current government

@saoyr5: Good point...although, I also do all of my web design/development work in a windows environment...The only thing I fire up a Snow Leopard virtual machine for is iPhone development