
@vin007: ummm...isn't that what the current iPad is?

@Monty: If there had been a woman in Cupertino that had their way with the engineering team, it would not have been named the iPad in the first place...

@Skeptical_Geezer: So, you're saying I'm missing a purse for my Nook...I hadn't considered that...hmmm

@Captain K'nuckles: Personally, I've been perfecting my camel hump mounted turret guns so these guys have a fighting chance...They haven't quite gotten aiming down yet, though =/

@Zinger314: Burning Camels and Humans Targeted by Murderous Canadian Robot Group?

@aaronpods: You mean Kangaroos don't hop up to them and punch them in the face? I was hoping Kangaroos would have some predatory nature...

@kingcrim84: And yet, the hottest time in history was when there was a smaller human population and no cars...hmmm

@Les Mikesell: Shhhh...Stop talking'll hurt their feelings

@fozfan33: I borrowed my friend's copy for the 360 and thought it was alright...Picked it up on a sale off of Steam and found it much better and actually played through it that time

@bakagaijin: Fable 1 is available for PC...wouldn't bother too much with Fable 2, wasn't nearly as good.

@d20Dark: Ummm...ME1 and ME2 weren't Xbox 360 exclusives exactly...Also available on PC, and imo more polished and refined than the 360 version

@Hi-Im-Asylum: ME1 was published by Microsoft Games, so I doubt it will be making its way to ps3...

@Timmy: you might be on to something here...

@MPS: Thank you, good sir...this will come in handy

@iphone_myphone: yes, yes it is a little perv...afterall, android doesn't provide freedom from porn ;) Apparently having flash makes you a

@CptnGrammar: Personally, I thought that was what the internet was created for...

@iphone_myphone: Droid owner here, and it's about everyday for me. How about you?

@perry570: awww...why did you have to bring up time splitters? my heart weeps for another good FPS...

@battra92: You actually tend retain more information when you hand write notes, as well. Thinking about, processing, and writing what you are hearing helps it stick in memory a little better and understand what you wrote later.