
@TalesXGundam: Nope...haven't been to wal-mart in over a year, more of a Meijer person, myself

@DocSeuss: Gotta love discrimination...

@Jnas: Time machine...that is the truth

@Manu_otaku: don't feed the trolls...they'll never leave

@KichiGuy: and by original, you mean...?

@Vargas: and this is why I love mindless apple fanboy bullshit unlike some of those other sites

@Jim-Bob needs more two stroke and less hybrid!: I found other versions of win7 (pro, for me) to run much better than xp home on my dell mini 10v...quicker response times, longer battery life (about 7 hours with screen brightness down), better wifi connectivity, etc...

@jedimaster0103: the 10v runs pretty well with win7 pro when it is the only OS on the disk. Currently I am also running SL on mine,'s fantastic :)

@Prairie Moon: stock windows 7 pro ran better than any form of XP that I put on my mini the end I hackintoshed it and it runs the same or better than with win7, but still...

@ruffus910: nuked windows and installed snow leaopard, personally. Runs better than when I had ubuntu on mine

@Millah: Probably has to do with the fact that, last time I checked, a tablet PC is a bit different than one of these "slates". I'll let you figure out the differences..feeling a little lazy right now

@micjwelch: I have no problem with has more to do with the fact that it is an HP product on this one...don't want to buy something that is likely to die sooner than I would prefer

@Dangerwillrobinson: Odd, I think I've seen more mac fanboys whine when Apple is mentioned in anything but a positive light than with Microsoft fanboys. Sorry my head isn't so far up Jobs' ass that I can see his pancreas...oh wait...

@rudeadly: I don't think rebranding would help their crappy products, though

@eh270: because it's google...they're the one of the highest employers of nine year olds, next to china ;)

@macpatrik: thats odd, because after working in IT a couple of years, I have seen a lot more failed HPs than Dells.