
I quickly read:

So essentially because he didn't like *everything* Scott said or did then that means he doesn't like or respect what he did as a whole? Maybe you should also read the parts in his piece where he says he likes what Scott does overall (he opens and closes with that proclamation, by the way).

Similar to Robin Williams, being "on" all of the time got to be a little annoying. But after they're gone, you realize how much you took for granted.

I love it so much when idiots accuse Gawker of constantly race-baiting, and then post comments to articles that have nothing to do with race, and don't mention race, and attempt to make it about race. And then fail to see the irony of it all.

That's a great point and nice addition!

That is so beautiful. I love how surprised it looks.

This would make a pretty cool album cover.

Was I too harsh?

I know what they mean by saying fewer working parts, but somehow it just sounds wrong.

My cousin's stepsister's estranged father's mother in law's cat's original owner makes $937 an hour by dressing bananas in costumes and photographing them for novelty coffee table books.

It's hard from seeing Shaq on tape how truly immense he is, but many years ago he did a guest spot on "Curb Your Enthusiasm." In that episode I played the doctor who ultimately gave him the good news about the knee that Larry had allegedly injured when he tripped him while sitting court-side. The script called for

That dog is like the Winnebago of dogs.

I agree, however what this article should read is "Sacrificial Lexus leads to lifetime free carwashes for Long Island Jalops".

I would add that a strong ID claim is often a reaction against generalizations. "Whatever you do, don't lump me in with that other group. I'm way over here."

Beware the ides of [barf]

It said the study monitored their internet usage, so maybe the religious porn-watchers refused to participate? "Wanna be in a study that tracks which sites you visit on the internet?" "Heck no!"

It's Sony, so I kind of hope they only release it on Betamax, UMD and PSVita Memory Card, and the soundtrack on MiniDisc and Super Audio CD.

No problem. Just give him some ice cream, pop in a dvd - until June.

Good question... I usually write beginning at 3 or 4 am. I like to sleep for 4 or 5 hours before I write. I dream about my topic. But most of the things I write I've been thinking about for days or even months. I just wait for the opportunity when they're timely. When I sit down to write, I start farting around the