
Beth, I work at home. When I feel sore at the desk, I move to the dining room, or the couch. And sometimes I need to really break the routine so down the street to Starbucks I go. That’s where my standing desk is. I push the barstool aside and work on my feet. By that time I’m so ready for a change I work three hours

As is KSNT.

There only need to be thirty people in that line patting Goodell on the back. Less than thirty, in fact........

14:34 to go on the countdown clock and we have a faceburger!

I do like the phone calls, which invariably come to me when I’m out of town, a few hours after I’ve made the “suspicious” charge. I try to remember to call them first now.

Weird to see people defending banks and credit card companies as though they are models of customer service. I always found making a claim for a credit card to be cumbersome and paper intensive compared with what I just went through with PP. Some goober at the Home Depot swiped my number (dumb of me to read it over


Also host of a pretty good SNL, back in the day. I still remember the monologue joke about starring in some terrible films, like CREATURE FROM THE BLACK STUDIES PROGRAM.

Could someone explain the role of the comforter horse that rode all the way to the winner circle with AP? They seemed to be very good friends. My wife thought it was sweet.

I find this so weirdly chilling. I came thisclose to the same fate thirty summers ago at Wrigley. Four rows back, Pedro Guerrero at bat, not distracted, got winged on the elbow as I ducked. Lady behind me took the full impact.....but fortunately because her seat was a little higher than mine, on her leg, not her head.

Now that you mention it, that T-Mobile dude does look like he's urging people to call in and pledge during the leviathon.

I’ll admit I find it a little annoying that rank amateurs with money are allowed to serve on crew. Tony Horwitz wrote a book about taking just such a voyage and that turned me off on sailing ship nostalgia. Me, I’d rather pay $100 to experience crossing the ocean like my ancestors steerage. (But only for a

She’s already chosen life.

Martin called it. I would almost pay a cable bill to hear him call games.

Joplin broadcasters also couldn't be bothered to have their A teams on the air when a huge ass tornado was bearing down on the city.

You talked to Bartles but what about his partner?

I’m still trying to figure out if the National Spelling Bee was throwing shade on Drake with its clue that involved the words “Drake” and “mixtape.”

And he finally got a rise out of Trebek, who had spent much of the game behaving like the long suffering piano teacher with three of the his least promising students all practicing together at once.

Only some Amish and Mennonite sects opt into Rumspringa. Many do not. At any rate I don't buy into the use of cult as a pejorative. If there's abuse going on, call it that, otherwise it's a family or an intentional community or a little of both. Cult is MEANINGLESS.

Such a nice take on “Thank you for your service,” which Bill Maher and others have derided as empty praise that no one who says it really believes.