
And this is something I would NEVER want to do, but I watched every damn second of it.

Oh I dunno. Transitioning?

Number 42 in your program, number one in your highlights.

The tl;dr on this is, Learn empathy. I know it’s a familiar LH trope but it really is the key to a happy life. It nips so much trouble in the bud and you will be a hero to people just because you listen to them and give a shit. And you will feel better once you step outside yourself and realize, hey, nobody gets

I dunno. This isn't Sudan we're talking about. Iran is a regional power, and if it can play by the rules the nuclear powers set on centrifuges, and can get its government out of the stone ages, then it deserves to be treated as a global power. On a personal note I enjoyed that White House tweet making fun of Bibi and

I steered my wife to this article, she's nearly totally blind and relies on the iPhone's screen reader. But instead of your piece, for two minutes she just listened to her phone reading off names of every Jez subblog and every Gawker blog, because Kinja's totally accessibility-unfriendly setup hides menus without

plz plz plz upload your wedding pics as a zip file so people have to "download a brown load"

The answer to your question is found in the market research that the Yankees will no doubt print out in easy-to-read infographs, fat-binder-clip to a thick stack of media and fan responses to ARod and hand deliver to the arbitrator at the All-Star Break.

As a bonus, you often have fantastic brainstorms in the shower. Easily the most underrated place for thinking (and most overrated for sex).

All I can say is DoD needs a helluva lot more Affordability Initiatives because not even the gun nuts running Congress will be able to save the military from the pending budgetpocalypse.

But please, don’t stop! I can’t even be bothered to read Times profiles of Megyn. Just the idea she is BIGGER THAN BILLO<tm> fills me with glee.

Will, if everybody in journalism had to eat this much shit every time they made a whopper of a mistake, maybe there would still be newspapers. (Of course, I'm including management in my what-if.)

That was a great full disclosure. Now I’m wondering why I never got a junket like this. We got a discounted room at the Beverly Hilton and some free meals, but otherwise we paid for everything else, including our flights and rental cars. Yet someone would always say HEY HOW WAS THE JUNKET?? But THIS was a goddamn

Nice job by Rachel. This was the kind of sitcom that 20 years would ONLY be seen on a nonmajor like WB or UPN. I don't know if it's because big network audiences have come down to UPN levels. I like to think it's because ABC execs finally woke up and realized you know, if we do a really smart comedy about black folks,

This all sounds so awesome for people not tethered to Google’s weirdly proprietary Fiber Network Box.

You come pretty close to this in a couple of places but I just think you can't stress too much the power of cold hard numbers....even if you're not that good with a spreadsheet, or your eyes glaze over when you read one of those personal finance guides for dummies when it starts talking about budgeting.

When it reaches Zone 5 for gardening, people will be moving there in droves.

My first job out of college was at a DC think tank where they hired a JW as secretary. When my boss found out they didn’t take birthdays or vacation he had her go back to the Kingdom Hall and find someone else looking for a job, and he hired her too. Years later I popped my head in the office, everyone had moved on

If this is just dramatized journalism, give me a documentary instead. At least with a doc I know the filmmaker has an axe to grind.

I understand our strategic interests there, but it really is nice to see some other country manage mission creep for a change.