
These China pieces of yours are slowly scaring the crap out of me. We'll see what happens when their GDP growth rate comes down to earth.

"pores [sic]"

Still don't get what makes binge watching any more RL than Netflix.

Garbanzo beans (aka chickpeas) are in the top left corner of the banner photo ... and not mentioned anywhere in the piece??

You mean the part where she immediately turned to the one official on the court who could overturn the call because of interference?

Tara Jacoby bringing it. Wow

Trebek deserves it for starting out the week with one of his inane "things go so much better when people get the questions right!" pep talks.

so many penises

It looks taupe. (AND dope.)

Don't assume you can, friend. I spent 15 years doing something I really enjoyed and paid well and I did it well enough, but it can't hold a candle to what I'm doing now. The difference? I'm working for myself now (and the business/life partner). Don't let anyone kid you, if the thing you really want to do is something

I know all kinds of people in the entertainments business who STILL have AOL accounts.

Tyler, are there more pics like that? Anything shot for the federal government is in the public domain. That is a Wikimedia classic if I ever saw one.

I've already had two plates of chicken fettuccine and my ass is super tired, but that picture makes me want to get up, leave the house and FIND KEBAB.

Funny I should be reading Jim Fallows' piece on the military situ right now, because he is all about the A-10 and sees the F-35 as a product of political unaccountability in military decision making at its very, very worst. He lays flaming turd bags at both the Dems' and GOP's doorsteps btw.

I think my favorite financial services TV spots (OK, possibly the only ones I have ever liked) all started out as though they were adverts for luxury products — cars, watches, etc. — and then about 20 seconds in, needle screech, and a chart popped up to show you what kind of hit your investment portfolio would take in

I can't stop looking at ... no wait, that was a movie.

thanks for another excuse to watch this.

Always wondered what it was like to be Barra's copy editor.

Welcome back, John Cook.