
Not entirely true. I wouldn’t want to get a Switch for a kid (say 7-10). It’s so easily broken and is way too expensive. The DS line is perfect for kids. It’s relatively cheap for if it gets broken, it’s built sturdier, the clamshell design makes it easier to move around as well as prevent damage to the screen, and

Because, as always, Nintendo has no idea what the fuck they’re doing.

You do realize there is a slider on the 3DS, with which you can disable the 3D effect, yes? The 3D effect is fantastic on many games, but you never were forced to use it if you didn’t want to.

1/2 the price :)

It is far, far better on the New 3DS.

Probably the amazing libary of games that the video features, most of which could not be properly ported to the Switch because of the two screen gameplay. Also it’s 1/3rd the price

It’s basically a New 3DS XL, only without the 3D effects.

So will this sell for around $200 once the scalpels get ahold of them? Didn’t Nintendo try to sell and actual 3ds last year’s for a hundred bucks and it got picked up by scalpers?

Isn’t a 2DS with hinges a... DS?

I agree, bunch of missed opportunies to mix more traditional pokemon stuff into the game. A real combat system with PP, tms, and hms(heck, they could have even made pp up’s a microtransaction like item if they wanted to keep the business model intact).

Neither works for me but anecdotally I have heard that Google accounts work with less frequency, yeah.

Yeah it’s dissappointing, but the lack of classic pokemon mechanics kind of killed my desire to keep trying when it’s buggy. The second pokemon I caught the pokeball just stood there and the app crashed. It’s kind of sad too, because the camera on + pokemon feature seemed like the crazy speculative wish, while they