
Ah, well I apologize then. I had been just reading a lot of comments that seemed to go off on that tangent and was just got fired up by how shortsighted it was.

Listen, I can understand the disappointment in the changes made and I certainly get the director not being forthright in this scene being a rape as nonsensical, wrong, and to a degree offensive. I get that. But bashing the show just because you deem, with no further context or understanding of how it will be depicted,


Similar in that they are both horrific and yet one is causing a discussion warranting responses from the actors/director/author while the other is used to make glib, shitty replies to try and be sarcastic on the internet with no fear of reprisals, yes, totally similar.

I guess I don't understand why this is a 'controversy' when its a fictional show telling a story to which we don't even know the whole arc yet. I mean, did I miss it when the articles were coming out condemning Theon's castration and how they seem to always cut away from that storyline to someone else eating a sausage