
In the tri-city area of the California Bay Area - the hub of SillyCon Valley, San Francisco? Check! Oakland? Check! San Jose? San Jose? San Jose, California? The room - unlike "Ferris Buller's" class room - is silent. No love for SJ.

On Season 3 of "Mr Robot" - fSociety goes after the recording industry. Be there, or don't email me again!

There was a day when music was about the sound and disc play was about getting the listener to buy a ticket so they could hear that sound while watching the artist perform it LIVE.

“It’s not the life he deserves, but it’s the life he was given.” One line, but I didn’t expect to feel this way about reading it.

Excellent, Docconi, excellent!

By the time they get the bugs out...we’ll have 200 more “cost-efficient” ways to destroy all life on this planet. Sit back and enjoy the newest episode in DC Extended Murderverse* until then.

* “Murderverse” was a term first coined by io9's Rob Bricken.