I agree. This is, like, the “happy ending for THAT version of Flash” because his dad’s out of jail and almost everything else is as he left it.
I agree. This is, like, the “happy ending for THAT version of Flash” because his dad’s out of jail and almost everything else is as he left it.
Wait, Netflix did something good for a change? Bloody hell!
I found the most recent season to be a real dip compared to the previous ones - I think the lack of proper Colin Robinson was a big contributing factor to that, as it felt like they wrung every drop out of the kid-Colin stuff to the point of ridiculousness. And not funny ridiculousness, more like “Dear god, do…
I’ve said before on here, but I’m a bit fed up of things being set between things, because you never truly have the chance to really do something truly interesting in case it treads on the toes of established canon.
As a single-player gamer, I’m still unbelievably bitter at the lack of support for GTA V, so this just feels like them taking that “screw you” attitude to the Online game now.
I know, they’re absolutely bizarre. Prowl doesn’t even have the smoke effect coming out of his face - a total wasted opportunity! ;)
I really hope John Cena turns up in the next Transformers film as someone from GI Joe. Is he too old to be Duke?
The “kitchen” in my previous apartment had so little surface space to use that if I’d bought a microwave, I’d have had literally no space left to prepare anything.
Kenner released “Dead Optimus Prime” toys and no-one seemed to think it was weird.
I’ve wanted this so badly since I first saw the concept/prototype stuff a while back, but the price means it’s out of my reach and even if I managed to scrape the money for it, it would actually hurt my brain to not have the others when they come out as well. God I wish there was a smaller scale budget version of this.
Why does the little Spider-Gwen outfit have a skirt on it?
Just back from seeing it. Loved it, but it’s a definite solid 8/10 compared to the first’s 10/10. No shame in that, it’s still incredible, but it’s so utterly relentless at points that it just becomes a bit “sensory overload” and imo that actually diminished it a bit compared to the first which felt much more…
Bummer - would have preferred the original in all its glory, tbh!
I had almost this precise reaction. Hopefully he’s not in it as much as the trailer makes it feel, though.
Jennifer Hudson as Lana Lang?
I think he’d be great, but it might be too soon after playing the High Evolutionary.
I wonder how long they spent carefully laying everything out to make the photo feel primal and spontaneous, too. Am I just being too cynical?
I guess the difference is in opportunity, really.
I think a lot of that came from ill-will toward EA in general, and the way it felt typically EA style to folk that they came in, and suddenly lots of things that made the first game so great (for instance, genuine customisable armour choices for your party, rather than a small number of limited reskins) were gone and…
The second I saw a "mining laser" for resource gathering, my heart sank. I don't want another grindathon game. I want something I can really feel drawing me into and through the story.