
McConnell’s “We didn’t do nothin’” excuse aside, reparations are absolutely necessary but will prove to be logistically impossible. There is simply no way of determining who deserves what. There’s no way to determine whose ancestors were actually slaves. A DNA requirement theoretically could do that but anything less

Student Loan Debt is now approximately $1.5 TRILLION, and yet... non-tenured professors, also known as the ones doing all the work, are living in cardboard boxes next to the tracks drinking bum wine and showering in alligator-infested swamps along with the other hobos and outcasts. How did this come to be?

There’s only one and you know that you silly goose.

More likely in my opinion is that he attempts to build some sort of wall between him and the rain.

Protesting July 4 is literally the most patriotic thing one can do.

Pouring rain can sometimes create a powerful aesthetic. Let’s not wish for that.

I will do what I always do on July 4th, cry. I wish we were still part of the UK, London specifically. The worst thing that ever happened to planet earth was America seceding from the UK. Look at us now. Just look at us. Pathetic.

Redundant headline. Masculinity itself is violence.

Who cares.

Wednesday is apparently vitriol day at GMG.

Oh my God. Revisionist History + Defeatism is seriously not a good look going into 2020. Let’s get a few things straight.

Confrontation? This is you doing your best to play a character and not doing it very well. I’m just trying to figure out if you’re ever going to get off the “here’s the new vile thought that popped into my head” and do something more interesting. Maybe I have my answer.

You’ve made that clear. Do you have anything else to say? 

He was never good.

Accidental Redemption

Did you even look up that address?

Bill Clinton sold nuclear technology to North Korea and China. Israel too if memory serves me correctly. No, he was a terribly selfish person that did whatever he could to improve his own status at the expense of taxpayers and the institution of the presidency.

818 E 47th St

Newsom has zero Native Americans on his staff.