
This show sucks. Comedy is dead.

And what would you do with that cash, exactly? Unless you’re making enough to build a modern-day Noah’s ark it’s going to become worthless pretty quickly. All forms of currency, fiat or otherwise, will lose 100% of their value in the coming years. The only non-food items with any worth will be ammunition, weapons,

There are all sorts of pills you can take and surgeries you can get these days but I wouldn’t do that. You should just learn to love it. It’s not abnormal unless it’s under 1.25". If you’re around 3" you’re right in the thick of things. Pretty cool, and not bad. Nice.

They shouldn’t matter to anyone. We’re past the point of no return and doomed completely. There is no reversing the damage done and climate changed has already entered terminal acceleration. All we can do is embrace this awful fate, blame Republicans, and hope that we are able to leave future generations clear

Only the federal government should have access to firearms. Full stop.



So long as America’s population remains culturally “American” they will not vote for a change to the Second Amendment. Guns are a religion in this country. That’s why it’s important to vote for measures that increase immigration to red states generally and red counties within purple states specifically. Immigrants

I don’t think it’s too strong a word. Joe shoots the breeze, he’s a happy guy. Maybe we need someone like that.

Please for the love of God I hope you are representative of the adult version of 2016's Bernie Bros. This comment is perfect. Warren stole Bernie’s platform and made it better. She’s electable. He’s not. This this this this this!

She’s an enormously flawed candidate and a liar to boot, but I wouldn’t say she’s a definite loser. She’s a more refined, sensible version of Bernie.

Bernie is an old white dipshit that’s never done anything in his entire career, let alone take down an incumbent president. He won’t get the nomination and he should stop his intra-party divisiveness before it wrecks our chances like it did in 2016. Just because this sore loser desperately wants a legacy that isn’t



Most death camps started out as concentration camps, and only changed as things got worse.

It’s slang for Bernie Supporter.

Millennials in 2000: LOL bro every time I see a Bayless article I comment about how much he sucks.

Both McCain - for her Trumpism - and Behar - for slandering Bernie at every turn - are irredeemable. Nothing better than watching them fight.

I would stand up.

If the asterisk is invisible nobody will care if it’s there or not. Someone should edit the Declaration of Independence to include the asterisk. Then add a footnote of just what we’re talking about with that asterisk.