

Whatever, she sucks. I hope that undocumented immigrants gain the right to vote so conservatives like her will be permanently silenced.

Totally agree, but it begs the question - is there anything wrong with wanting traditional American to be changed into something more modern and ideal? If it takes a dilution of families and communities with generations of roots in this country, is that even a bad thing?

I don’t care about policy either. Obama was awesome because he sounded like the father I never had.

Obama was the best president since George W Bush.

I’m literally shaking.

Dear cgo2370,

We are past the point of no return and there is nothing we can do. The tipping point was years ago, we failed. Irreversible climate apocalypse awaits. We are on a conveyor belt into man-made hell. I take no comfort in having warned others, this is my failure too. We are absolutely doomed and the only hope left is that

You must know that anyone challenging you on this is completely unwilling to seek out information that contradicts a deeply-held belief. 

Classic Joe. I’m a Warren warrior myself but you gotta love Joe sometimes. He does absolutely zero research about anything. He has no idea how praising a segregationist might sound to a 2020 electorate nor does he care. Off the cuff and wingin’ it, just like always. He probably doesn’t even know that this guy was a

Bill Clinton and his awful wife are the reason Trump is in power. He may have been president - good for his resume, congrats to him - but his legacy is that of a total failure. The ‘94 Crime Bill put millions of innocent minorities in jail and the Community Reinvestment Act laid the foundations of the housing crisis


Correct on the first part. Second part - GMG staff like yourself, dudebro, and certain other followed accounts need a lesson in how to garner interest in this place. This is not the way. Clicks and comments are way down from the Gawker days and a lot of that was due to the terrible relaunch of Gawker as Splinter, but

Who cares about governorships honestly? Even Massachusetts has a GOP governor and NY basically does too. California has the only Democrat mayor really.

Can you clarify who the MFers are, exactly? There is outrage, totally unjustified, on both sides about what she said.

Really surprised to see all the centrist Democrats use this tweet as a weapon against AOC and the actual left. Just kidding. It’s not surprising at all.

She even explained this in her tweet, making it clear that concentration camp doesn’t imply death camp. I don’t even like AOC but she’s right on this.