
If there is a scenario in which they are able and supported by enough people to become a viable ticket in 2020, then that means Trump was pushed out and/or considered too toxic for a re-run.

TRUMP: Yo, I’ll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
SUPPORTERS: So tell us what you want, what you really, really want
TRUMP: I’ll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
SUPPORTERS: So tell us what you want, what you really, really want
TRUMP: I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha)

Atlus didn’t directly claim the mistake as their own, from what I can see here, but simply noted that it was a mistake they were looking into getting fixed. I can definitely see this as being an issue with how things are pushed to the store, and there being certain aspects that may not allow for absolute clarity in

I blame this on Sony, as they’re terrible about this stuff. Case in point, the “Dynasty Warriors Gundam Reborn Complete Bundle” doesn’t actually come with Dynasty Warriors Gundam Reborn, despite the fact that “Complete Bundle” implies it would. Even after fighting with their support a year or two ago to get a refund,

pretty sure no story. Anybody that waited till now is about to spend alot of money for the same thing they could have gotten like a month ago for cheaper. The game was a sure thing over a year ago.

Next time you’re in traffic and someone forgets to signal a lane change, make sure you ram their car at speed and pelt the passengers with acid bombs. Just tell the cops that you weren’t being radical.

They also ram ships and attack the sailors. Regularly. Shit, there was an entire TV show where that was all they did.

Hey this is an artificial disaster they voted for.

It’s a new hat that reads MAKE AMERICA DRY AGAIN

Please further note that the $40.00 USA cap is available on his website with all proceeds going to his 2020 presidential campaign. Because why not right?

Please note that Trump also accessorized with the $40.00 USA cap manufactured outside the USA clutched in his left hand.

He’s dressed like the racist grandfather he is.

Texas has just been hit with one natural disaster. They don’t need another.

He only has one post; he just keeps changing the title…

Better idea:

Yeah, and I’ve been taking Prilosec every night for nearly 10 years. That shit’s only supposed to be taken for 7-14 days.

I always thought the Sharapova suspension was chickenshit.

Point of contention: how are these people victims? There was tons of warning about the scope and severity of this storm. The loss of life, pets, vehicles, personal effects, etc. was all preventable. It’s not like Katrina where major infrastructure failed at multiple points. Legally mandated insurance should cover

I think it’s a stretch to say this was done on purpose. Just my opinion. But Black Twitter is gonna Twitter i guess.

The people I most feel bad for are showers who show at 4.5-5” or so. Like... “That’s going to be a big one! .... Oh, that’s not getting any bigger is it? Oh.”