
aka drama.

I like to think they meet covertly to laugh their asses off at the public taking all this bait and paying for it.

Malls get dilapidated really fast. So, why tear down a huge structure and build one? Usually if it’s good PR or they’re getting tax benefits or subsidies from every government level

You sure they’re Amazon employees and not couriers?

If Greenbay fans would have reminded themselves that Favre only won one ring and he was almost exclusively the primary reason for every choke that lead to failure after that first ring... I imagine there would have been bigger controversy. I mean, yeah, he wasn’t the reason for EVERY failure, but he damn well nearly

Samsung’s Empire is far too big to be allowed to fail. Other Empires will either take over entirely or a few will take a few pieces of Samsung.

You can say that again!

Shouldn’t you be on the mountain making your monthly sacrifice? Better hurry the month is almost over!

The entire purpose of reenactments is to explicitly affect juries. There is literally no legitimate or ethical reason. Not even one. To stage a reenactment.

Even if your delusions were true (they’re not) why would you align with the Republican party of today? Because your grandpappy and mindless parents just stick to what “tradition” is never even paying attention to how the Republican party of today actually operates?

Looks like shit. In art direction. Looks worse than the 2D product. Why bother? Why is everyone excited for a crappy mobile/3DS looking game that’s not even launching on those platforms?

My High School physics teacher was a rocket scientist that worked at NASA.

It never looked like it ran on Unity. It’s an unreal game and always looked like it. You simply don’t know what you’re talking about and just want to hate because it’s fashionable. Shame it’s not at least informed hate.

Nintendo should be committed to one year of production. Take OPEN preorders, no limits beyond 1 per person. Make them be paid in full, Day 1. Don’t say they’ll be limited. Promise it won’t be.

You only wear a hat because you’re a lanky freak, Luigi.

Only an idiot would think a gun ban would work. Alcohol ban didn’t. It gave the opposite effect.

Wait, so you’re saying that modern fish farming has nothing to do with health? If you are, you’re quite wrong.

Your stupidity is literally killing my soul.

Sony is spending money on 3rd party VR exclusivity, which is basically the most selfish business decision they’ve made when it comes to cross-platform decisions. Because it’s a fledgling market that doesn’t have a secure foothold and the LAST thing we need is to artificially segment the market more in content.

It’s unlikely they are the ones that poisoned you. Unless you verified there was an outbreak.