
Wash, rinse, repeat

It’s amazing what kind of pain you can endure if trainers shoot you up with painkillers.

It hurts me by proxy to think how much punishment Newton has had to endure with the Panthers these couple of seasons. Same as with Luck and Wilson, I just can’t understand how the best quarterbacks of this class have to constantly play behind such weak offensive lines.

Yep, as in eastern NC and lowcountry SC BBQ. I use it to spray on pork ribs and shoulders when smoking them as well.

Well the Bills actually have a decent starting QB and developing young QB on the roster. Injuries that almost done with have led to these shitty signings. Not sure why they keep getting picked for these posts, as they don’t really have room for him. With that being said, with an incredibly racist fan base and a super d

Good gravy people when are you going to stop looking for “magic weight loss” solutions. The only way to do it is to change your eating habits and exercise. The majority of weight loss is going to come from your eating habits, loss from exercise is going to level off at a certain point.

My favorite use for this stuff is to get rid of fruit flies. Put a 1/2 inch or so in a small jar, roll up a small cone from paper that will fit in the top of the jar - keep it a couple inches up from the cider, set it out and watch those little buggers go in and be unable (too stupid?) to get out.