
I haven't had nightmares since I was 5 or 6 years old. At that age, I would try and think of all the superheroes, Transformers, G.I. Joes, and whatever else popped in my head (that was good) before I went to sleep to help ward off my nightmare.

@fuchikoma: I bought HL2 for $20 at Circuit City before they closed their store. I got home and went to install the game and found out about that god damn steaming pile of Steam crap. After that, I refuse to use Steam. I don't care about the deals that are offered on Steam (FREE PORTAL!!! FU!!!).

Wasn't there an Archer episode about this?

@ShaggE: Restarreded: I don't know why, but those quotes reminded me of the Deltron 3030 song with: "Upgrade you gray matter. Because one day it may matter." Then there was this:

@Eskobar: Speaking of Q3, the original UT came out at the same time and I still consider that the best Unreal Tournament (it did not benefit my studying habits though). My favorite weapon in UT was the ripper cause it was fast and good for head shots (the sniper rifle was also way better at the time too, also

I used to work for a landscaping company and there were a couple techniques if TP wasn't available (or a toilet). There's the sock. Someone actually used their underwear. Another method was cutting squares off of your shirt. Apparently one guy stacked a couple of cinder blocks on top of each other when he had to

Running around in Quake 3 only using the gauntlet was fun and humiliating at the same time.