
“a large amount of marijuana in open view.”

Police are IMHO two things if you watch and understand GOP politics:

Schrodinger’s Stop-And-Frisk. I love that. Perfect. Also, here’s a scientific representation of the arrest record.

“Move the fuck back,” he shouts multiple times as he approaches Wright...

Look at it this way: she probably saved their lives but she let the protestors kill themselves.

You know damn well if black or brown protesters showed up at the capital building armed and yelling, there would have immediately been tear gas deployed and officers with itchy trigger fingers surrounding the scene. 

Women exist.

*wipes a tear*

Because “listen to women” means “every woman should be unequivocally believed without qualification”?

Nearly 100 people have died from COVID-19 in just one nursing home in my city. Abortion rights have been gutted. The courts are fucked for generations. The deficit is staggering. The environment is ruined. Our international reputation is in tatters. Nazis with tiki torches are very fine people. Racists are emboldened.

The only reason this is biting her is because how this dealership operates. As noted in the source article, one of the male employees was on that very same site. All he got was teased. Another male employee also groped another female employee, no mention of a reprimand for him.

That’s pretty fucking lame.

One more Fox News talking point, and you would have had bingo!

It takes some very basic intelligence to understand a few things.