
IGN’s interview with Alonso suggests that this Iron Man is Tony Stark. It just doesn’t say which version of him it is.

Oh that’s a good one. I’m rewatching fringe now.

I’m watching this now and I don’t hate it? I actually like the leads apathetic whatever attitude. Oh god there’s something wrong with me right?

A better music app and I’m good.

Oh I totally agree with you.

This just reminds how much I want a new Stargate show on air. Still pisses that the producers decided to take their toys away just cause SGU didn’t work out.

I’ve been saying number three forever about almost all story telling especially TV. Your protagonist by the vary nature of being a protagonist will always be featured in the story somehow, yet becomes so much more interesting when they have a good villian or bad guy to go up against.

I’m strictly talking about the comics. Of course Marvel doesn’t want to sell merch to film properties they don’t own, its a simple business decision.

Less resources to the Xbooks? Have you seen the number of Xbooks Marvel has been putting out in the last 3-4 years? Hell Doop got his own series under the Xmen brand. AND their main Xbook was being written by Brian Michel Bendis it doesn’t get more high profile creator wise.

I’m going to need people to stop with the “Marvel is screwing with the X-Men and FF to screw with Fox” FFS

Hair. Hair every where. I could grow a good beard by the time I was in high school.

You just trolling now Bricken.

See that’s where I disagree. AoS notched up the superhero angle by introing the Inhumans and actively showed them using there powers. Daredevil too was a great origin series and the finale when he gets his suit and becomes a hero was a very satisfying payoff. Maybe its because I love the comic book source material

I’m just disagreeing with Bricken that this was the best ever. Its great but for me at least it wasn’t better than AoS or Daredevil. Bricken obviously thinks the comparison is warranted since he leads his recap with it.

Yea agreed. The two daredevil like fight scenes with Skye and Bobbi were fucking awesome.

Its not really jettisoning. The Xmen abd mutants have a long history of interacting with the cosmov side of marvel so this wouldn’t be totally out of left field. Plus it gives them some new story ideas to place with, because honestly the recentstorylines have gotten slightly stale and repititive.

There’s also rumors that mutants are going into space because the terrigan mists are killing them.

Meh. When was he ever the poster child? If anything he built his career on the following of fans and geeks and what now that he’s not getting some high drama role its all woe is me?

Oh come on don’t blame the Odeck for Mweyer’s shit. And I remember you through a hissy fit when you didn’t get privs immediately after asking.

Did you really just steal this from Cracked and think no one would notice? Not cool. And I’m really surprised no one at io9 caught it, because it is so obvious.