
Wouldn't be the first time Kent State shot at the wrong target.

My only question here is how do Icelandic newspapers and news agencies declinate names that don't fit into Icelandic grammar? I can't imagine censorship of Harriet the Spy or Barack Obama because of grammatical inconsistency. If someone could clear this up for me, that would be great?

I agree that the US's program was a terrible idea that truly set back polio research, which is why I included this caveat in my comment: "religious fears and conspiracy theories (which the US hasn't helped with, of course)" It was truly idiotic to use the guise of health care workers to fight terrorism, but no, I

Agreed, which is why I put the following caveat in my comment: ("because of religious fears and conspiracy theories. which the US hasn't helped with, of course"). Obviously, the US is partially at fault here, but it's important to remember that there were prohibitions against the polio vaccines even before the

It's absolutely disgusting that a large part of the re-spread of polio is due to fundamentalists killing people trying to vaccinate children. If we can't stop violence against those trying to do good, how can we hope to stop this terrible disease? I think a good case study to look at is India vs. Pakistan. Just five

So much snark without burns

What's the easiest way of getting this done in Excel? Going through 80,000 data entries is starting to burn me out.