
Do you guys know what they're talking about. Apparently some nationalists in California hate immigrants so much that they blocked a bus filled with immigrants THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN DETAINED from entering their town. It made me want to throw up.

Crap. I never thought to search Youtube for full Jeopardy videos and now that this video is making the rounds they're all going to be taken down.

Sean Bean

I like good patter but is there anything else that makes this not another When Harry Met Sally retread?

I craved bigger stories as a kid. I loved book series like The Boxcar Children and comic books and anything that seemed to tell a long narrative. I want to say that it's probably related to the Mexican telenovelas that were a part of my childhood. There were even some for kids and they always ended with the

Authorial intent in comics is weird because writers get replaced but the characters keep going. George R. R. Martin can say that Jamie Lannister didn't rape Cersei in the books and as long as that is consistent throughout the rest of the story he writes we can accept it after a bit. Hank Pym has always been treated

I get more of a American Hustle vibe. Especially with Isla Fisher being identical to Amy Adams and the room they keep Jennifer Aniston in being identical to Jennifer Lawrence's bedroom in that film.

Are you guys counting ESPN documentaries? If so, I would like to nominate Nine For IX: No Limits.

I think there is a lot of riffing on the show just not as much as you would see on an hour-long, uninterrupted, British panel show. The two episodes Marah mentioned above are great because the guests all know each other and therefore are better able to riff off each other's comments.

But it is made from other animals.

This sounds a lot like Young Avengers.

See Edit.

And by remain impartial do you mean give the potential rapist millions of dollars?

Since you missed it, I'll help you see the point. The difference between this and the Salem witch trials is that nobody is going to burn Bryan Singer at the stake. I'm just going to decide to not accuse the victim of being a liar. And not go see that movie that is probably going to be terrible.

You're awesome. Just needed to let you know that.

"but it seems convenient that the 2nd accuser suddenly became aware of their psychological trauma a couple of weeks before DoFP comes out."

Does an innocent guy usually go "Oh also this was 10 years ago."?


I really want to see someone admit they were wrong on twitter, because I'm pretty sure that will signal the end times.