
Here is what should be a topic of concern:

Jay-Z would have a high bar to clear—as an admitted former drug dealer with an assault charge on his record to boot

When my dad was an MP, he told me that he was trained that when you draw a gun and you shoot to kill but he said that they had to realize that while you intend on shooting to kill there is a lineWhen the gun is no longer necessary you put it away. So if you injure the person and they are no longer a threat because

Las Vegas in 2011 should have sent a loud message but it was brushed off because ovals bring in fans.

I’ve tried the raw egg method before.  If your cooking skills are subpar, it’ll show doing this.  The biggest issue is getting the heat right so you get the eggs how you want them for the dish.

Low profile?  Like low moral standard profile?

The guy was arrested for a misdemeanor charge of trespassing and gets paraded around like a Thanksgiving Day parade float? This is wrong.

I wonder if Stephen Miller’s mom did too many drugs and ate lead based paint while she was pregnant with him.

Saugage, egg, and cheese in a flour tortilla with a small hit of hot sauce is THE KING.

I’ve been on and off looking at housing prices. I’ve seen what you have seen with the stalled construction. I’ve noticed in some of the areas I look that when you compare the price of the house versus some of the others around it in the area the price is too inflated. The house next door to me sat vacant for about 3

I’m curious how they get away from using a converter in this case.

Maybe an unpopular opinion:

Did Mazda say what kind of thermal efficiency increase they have seen?

Heaven forbid that kids take up The Sims and start going all crazy with urban planning and development.....

All the conspiracy theorists are going to start coming out of the woodwork on this one. Some of the crap that has been called out as a conspiracy is starting to show its ugly hand, and to be honest those people that were labeled as weird for having this way of thinking are starting to be right.

Thanks, but when I get enough money to buy a Corvette I’ll have enough money to go pick it up from the factory in person and drive it to the nearest race track then home.

Yeah, sorry I couldn’t map when I posted that.....I had a long day.

One of my co-workers got upset at me for typing while looking at them while they were talking. I was taking notes for something that they were telling me about and actually keeping up with them.

I do not like the idea of another race in the Middle East. At all. If someone said that they were bringing back the Turkish GP at the old track I’d be down with that.