
Step 1 on making your girlfriend happy: tell her to get off the damn car with those dollar store jeans with the rivets on them....

Too much overhang you say?

This is from knowing someone that was on the Polar Star. a former nuclear trained engineering guy in the Navy.

Ferrari is the new Fiero......

Starred you because, to be honest, you can’t do without them when you aren’t at LeMan’s.

A lot of people I know that watched F1 said last year when they did that screwed up qualifying format basically “who in the hell thought up this stupid idea, what kind of idiot do you have to be.....”


It’s sad because some of the best NASCAR races I’ve ever seen were the ones on the road courses. One of the ones at I think it was Sonoma was the best racing I had seen in a while. Even better than Indy when they would run there.

Hungry Hungry Hippos: Indiana Edition


From that angle, with that color, it looks stunning. auto maker with a model line that has a logo that resembles the female reproductive system....

Awww, and I was hoping they would do something a bit better to scare off the Cars & Coffee crowds when it leaves the parking lot....

Technically, what we speak here in the US is 3rd grade English....

Now that this has all happened and there are no more rumors or speculations...

Well, their done.

This is probably the silliest of silly seasons yet.