
I have ran into a bit of an issue using an alarm clock versus my phone.

It is just so baffling that for so long this has been one of those nagging complaints about driving at night that it is taking the IIHS to step it up a notch on their award to get the automakers to fix this issue. I’m hoping that some day someone at the DOT decides that this is a legit enough issue (well duh) for

Would it have worked? I will agree with the no.

I’m more concerned about the guards. I see a Milton event coming on if they aren’t getting paid.

I loved Oceans 11. Oceans 12 was okay. Oceans 13 was a big NOPE! They did one too many.

So in other words, we live in a world where we get rid of something and whine when it doesn’t work in someones favor. But when it does work in their favor, they are okay with it.

I’ve been looking for another car. I have looked at a Mazda 6 for general purpose stuff. It’s a nice car and a good price point, but in my opinion they have a bit of a ways to go if you look at them and compare them to say a Fusion. It’s not stuff that is a dead turn off for me, but when you look at who would be

Didn’t Toto at one point say that once they won the constructors title, they were going to let these two fight it out for the drivers championship?

It is hard to find any sort of sympathy for the dealership. This is a huge violation of trust on so many levels.

I don’t think that it was so much of a fall off as it was everybody else was taking steps to move up. I’ll split the difference and say that it was possibly a mixture of things including the engine.

Looking at how the market plays out with the drivers, this is a tough call. I’d call it even odds that it would possibly be Bottas given the odd tie in that Mercedes has with Williams. He has potential but he’s hard to judge because Williams just really hasn’t had a car worth putting up a fight.

I autocross my FoST, then getting in the drivers seat of a FiST is a different experience. A pleasurable one at that.

Oh, also, are they going to give it different rims so it actually has better tire choices without having to get new rims?

I wonder how they are defining the “bigger” claim with the Fiesta.

I’m surprised that some of their factory drivers weren’t given a shot. There is a nice talent pool in the GT series that might have been able to rise to the top given the chance.

I have one for doing touch up work between shaves. I let my beard get pretty long after I got mine and it did okay trimming it down, still needed to do a second pass. For those that need to shave on a daily basis it is okay unless you have real course hair then you might be in for a rough ride. In the shower it

I have one for doing touch up work between shaves. I let my beard get pretty long after I got mine and it did okay

On the more positive side, at least Nevada didn’t come out of this with negative equity on the whole thing. I know a guy named Henry that is looking for a large track of land.....

Except he parked the car somewhere else other than where he was suppose to. He went past the pit entrance to the grid and did his burn out then turned the car off.

That clause right there is the one that can poop on the party.