Shit like this is why Nintendo scales back social features on their online services. We’re going to continue getting friend codes in the foreseeable future...
Shit like this is why Nintendo scales back social features on their online services. We’re going to continue getting friend codes in the foreseeable future...
Karen started to get on my nerves honestly, the actress was great, but the character just seemed to get very annoying to me.
I need to re-watch it, I know I loved her in the first season.
Foggy was just great throughout, and I couldn’t imagine bringing back the same Daredevil, without Foggy.
Is this a joke? Sounds more like your writing career is a joke, as this is as witty and “smart” as you can get. The above article is very whiny, dry and “what about me?” Play another game? Maybe make a game? Talk to friends about making a game? Instead, you write crying articles about changing something responsible…
Decisions have narrative weight in D&D.
Is this exclusive to D&D, or do you also want Vulcans, Wookiees, and Flora Colossus to just be skins too, otherwise identical to humans? Droids too? No Vulcan Nerve Pinch? Wookiees no stronger than humans? Metal takes damage just like flesh? Again it’s fine for you to play that way, or create your own RPG. I might…
Part of the problem here is you’re being slippery with language. Yes, “dwarf is both my race and profession” is ridiculous and seemed ridiculous to me when I first saw it in junior high. And yes, races/species should not have alignments. But a halfling will not have the same traits as a tabaxi or dragonborn. If you…
I’m perfectly happy for you to design a campaign or rpg that does that. I’ve played many an adventure when there was no killing. But why would you seek to impose that on everyone? That, by definition, would be “monolithic.”
There are LOTS of games where violence isn’t the main focus. Hell, you can run DnD without any combat if that’s what your group wants to do.
Nothing. There’s also nothing bad about creating an RPG where barbarian hit orc with rock. You need complex narratives and simple narratives, both.
Okay, first of all, I AM black, thanks. This is my lived experience. And you really sent me to an article also not written by a black person, like at least let us speak for ourselves. The only person who is quoted referencing orcs in that article is NK Jemisin, who I love a lot, and I’ve read her whole blog post on…
Huh? Why would you think that hasn’t been done before?
Honestly, I don’t understand. As a player, I go through the “races” (I agree, it’s a bad term - and a loaded) and think about what kind of creature I want to be. Male, female, something else. Tall, short, squat, swarthy, blond, curly. I then pick a race that fits that. Or I may start the other way. Am I an arrogant…
There is nothing weaker and less creative than “any species can be anything”. Let's not have lore books then and just do our own thing (which I do most of the time anyway, I guess).
But who ever actually said an entire race is evil and meant it to not have exceptions? I mean in real life, when people play, there are always exceptions. I think the first campaign I played one of the players at the table got permission from the DM to play a Gythyanki who had become a paladin for a god of love. Sure,…
I see what you’re saying and that’s obviously fine if that’s the game.e you’re running. But there is merit to the idea of “orcs hate all living things and are invading our lands. Who, oh who is going to step up”? Stories have to be able to explore these things. “They are bad” will sometimes have to do - nay, be…
Doesn’t make sense to complain about a game not having features you want when there is one you can play that does all of that and more. I don’t expect Pizza Hut to have Burgers or McDonalds to have pork roll for their breakfast sandwiches. I’m not even saying this as a PF booster either.
But you may need to say that an entire race is evil so as to allow your players to enter their lair and kill them. If you start giving henchmen family lives, the whole story becomes a moral quagmire and certainly no fun.
While Dungeons & Dragons uses the word ‘race’ to describe a character’s traits, they really mean something more akin to ‘species.’
It never has been a problem except for those really seeking to take a pure fantasy .. Ill say again FANTASY game into some sort of tutorial for the real world. Those people specifically should not be allowed to play role playing games as they lack the ability to properly discern between reality and fantasy.
And yet instead of just playing pathfinder, these people demand the D&D change for them. I wonder why