
And it didn’t appear in the sequel. :-(

Whew, Wii U still supported.

Good luck getting the two leading global toy manufacturers to cooperate in any product.

It is not Capitalism if you’re bending to oppressive government regulation.

Did none of you play “Team Kirby Clash Deluxe” for 3DS? This is literally an updated re-release.

I’m fairly certain this is the worst trailer ever made that uses real in-game footage.

I can understand that critique. That said, the co-op campaign, a completely open level editor, and top-notch voice acting still made it enjoyable.

Ctrl+F. No Portal 2. Portal 2 is everything a sequel to Portal could have hoped to be.

Kid Icarus Uprising is an excellent example.

Just log in to the appropriate subreddit or /something/.

Your heart is in the right place Cecilia, but I can’t help but feel like writing a full article on this ends up just feeding the trolls.

Hilarious and depressing at the same time. Well done.

And they’ve already demonstrated it can be done. Colo and XD had opponents frequently use legit double-battle strategies.

He’s been calling MS-13 rapist and criminals. Not a controversial opinion.

Why isn’t this already included in Madden 20 by default?

Why isn’t this already included in Madden 20 by default?

Why would you care? The only damage to the consumer is a non-working Joy-con, so if Ninty fixes it, you’ve been made whole.

Well, Genius Sonority has also made a real Pokémon game, fully compatible with the main series, the only studio outside of Game Freak to have done so. Why GF doesn’t let them work on anything other than spin-offs anymore boggles my mind. Maybe its because they’re far better at animations and GF doesn’t want to look

First: YES, it does work with external controllers, “For games that do not support handheld mode, players can wirelessly connect compatible controllers (sold separately) to Nintendo Switch Lite. If using separate Joy-Con controllers, users will need to have a device to recharge them, such as the Joy-Con Charging

Thankfully, with the trackless ride system, the WDW ToT has always been the superior ride experience. Absolutely blew my mind my first time on it.

Disneyland Paris still has one fully intact.