
Have you played the DLC?

“limb”, “Root”, and “chipped”, I see what you did there.

Given how difficult that level is in Rogue Squadron 2 (and especially difficult in co-op on the Rogue Squadron 3 disk) I’d rather not.

Which, in hindsight, makes Thanos even more of a jerk for not letting the original dusting wait until people were out of immediate harms way. (Example: Helicopter has both pilots gets dusted, crashing it into a populated building, as opposed to waiting for them to land first).

Banner had complete control over that, and was smart enough to not make people reappear in instant death situations.

Wait until he find out that we still don’t have term limits for them.

Believing an unborn child is not a person should be considered a disorder.

A drop from the height in the trailer would surely have cracked the helmet.

Wouldn’t Alvin & the Chipmunks be more relevant here?

True, but his wife/kids were already dead. She may have held the most meaning to him of those still alive.

You realize that WoTC has reclaimed the rights and that’s why FFG isn’t doing any more Netrunner things, right? Its entirely up to WoTC to make a Netrunner online game.

That .gif just makes me want Evangelion: Final

Sorry, I was trying to suggest that he wouldn’t even need the mindmeld. Presumably Ditto agrees with the whole plan and would have been able to mindmeld the general populous without being directly controlled.

^That, or a Ditto trying to transform from memory, out of the normal presence of the original subject.

One detail I appreciated is that when a Ditto transforms from memory, it gets details (in this case, the eyes) wrong.

Incredibles 2?

$5 says that the Star Wars schedule gets dramatically altered after 9 doesn’t gross as well as TLJ. (which only made ~64% of what TFA made).

Tony and Bruce should each have seen her.

If I’m honest, I was confused why neither Banner nor Tony got a vision scene.

Agreed, in a time before the Internet, where people couldn’t instantly tell everyone else what exactly goes wrong on a given vehicle (and often how to fix it yourself), you had to rely on a presumed ‘expert’ to tell you. We no longer need a 3rd party in between to guide us in a car purchase, we have complete