
I use a similar method but with totally different motivations.

I second that build.

Sounds like a Great introduction into monitoring your systems power! I fell into the same fun a few years back with my Corsair Rm1000i, it too has a USB Mini connection on it that you plug into a USB2 header on the board, and then you can view limited figures in the provided software. Now it’s iCue, but it used to be

I haven’t seen anything? At least, the closest I could find was this, but that’s only really for controlling the HUE lights you’d otherwise control via CAM.

Thank you for the info!
20W of free roaming microwave power in the house?
Who wants that?
I don’t.

sorry you got glitter in your car 

How was a Peterbuilt truck keeping up with a Valiant?”

I don’t know how comfortable you feel doing it yourself, but iFixit has a guide:

I’m a bit at a loss to know what you think is “seemingly impossible” about the Gymkhana videos. Block is a capable stunt driver and has a lot of funding behind him to build or buy optimal vehicles and secure dramatic locations and shoot it all with decent production values.

Yeah, I haven’t bought a new laptop in 4 years. My plan before THAT had been to pay $100 per year (that I expect the laptop to last). So my $350 laptop, since its been over 4 years (still works fine since it gets very minimal use) now gives me that $100 per year, to spend on my Iphone Upgrade.

Also way too easy to trigger Apple pay. 

*Obi Wan voice*

I’m afraid you are not remembering correctly. NASA’s human spaceflight budget *increased* slightly under Obama; the main reason Bush’s Constellation program failed to meet its 2015 launch target was chronic underfunding. (In fairness, Congress shares a lot of the blame for that, but even the White House budgetary

“it did shoot down an aging spy satellite in a decaying orbit in 2008"


The first house I bought was built in the 20s and it was designed to flow the air.  You could open one window on one side of the house and the other on the other side and a fresh breeze would just roll in.  My current home, which is younger then I am,   has zero air flow even with  windows and patio doors open it

Is the number dropping because the value keeps going down, or are you commenting on the oh-so-common practice of law enforcement skimming seizures of currency? Or both?

Or for us old farts, when the Loonies, with the help of Mike, start throwing rocks at the Earth.

Well, if we can reign in Martian military spending, maybe those ‘uppity belters’ wouldn’t get their hands on stealth materials in the first place, eh?

Nah, rocks love Venus, so penetrating Venus is most likely the primary objective