
you fellas haven’t been, uh, drinking have you?


Looks so much like the ones from Black Mirror. IDC if I ever saw one of these, it’s getting shot. Even Hawking said we should fear AI. and could bring the end of man kind.

Sure, nothing to be afraid of at all. Everyone wants their own robot Dog.

This was a very helpful reminder. Maybe even the kind of info that would be useful to include in a tech blog.

Apple’s really putting themselves between a rock and a hard place here, and keeping the Air on life support just reinforces my belief that despite Tim Cook’s many talents, he isn’t the kind of decision maker that Apple needs to stay relevant into the future.

Actually, what you don’t know is that mankind DOES build ships and go into space. Unfortunately, we quickly dominate other species that we find, and forge an oppressive intergalactic empire. In response, a last ditch coalition of alien forces build a temporal rift and an automated genetics factory, and attempt to

Oh my god I love them!

And this is why I one hundred percent oppose breeders. Every dog they breed is a death sentence (and cruel but sadly, not unusual, punishment) for a dog like your sweethearts.

Orion was brought to the county shelter as a stray. A mixed breed and a very good boy.

They are so cute!

Here’s mine just because:

I see his point but I disagree. I also saw the Apollo missions on tv, all of them. I even saw Apollo 14 blast off in person; I was there.

To be fair, having used a Driving Force GT (the model of wheel right after the Driving Force Pro in this video) with DiRT Rally, I think automatic actually is the right choice.

Living in MinneSnowTa I can attest that there are 2 levels of snow. There is car enthusiast, i love this because I have AWD and i’m on side street drifting like i’m in a bad fast and furious movie, and then there’s the reality of driving at 35mph on an interstate, surrounded by idiot prius drivers where you

I was thrilled to learn that Scrivener has a name generator:

You have just defined the Ford’s advertising campaign.

Because they are lying. Sure they use Tesla SuperChargers for free, but only to top off throughout the day. At night they charge up at their headquarters where they pay for electricity and chargers and maintenance for the chargers. It sure as hell isn’t “free”

It is also disingenuous as hell to count fuel as a

Yes, I was super excited to see this, and I can’t wait to read more user reviews. I’m timid enough to not pre-order it right now, but it’s pretty likely I’ll upgrade to this one once it’s out.

I think this is some WWE shit going on. It’s all an act, they’re both in on it, and they’re both laughing all the way to the bank.