
I find it more useful to use a floor plan app like “roomscan”. My entire home’s floor plan is in my pocket at all times this way. This is important, because I don’t always know in advance that I was going to come across this cabinet that would be PERFECT for the office (if only I knew it would fit).

it was a fun, but regrettable week-end between the Pontiac Aztec and a Boston Whaler...

Your not very knowlegeable, are ya? Xeon machines are high end... not just the chips but everything else too. $5,000 for an 8-core Xeon, in this sort of form factor is very appropriately priced.
My work machine is a 24-core Xeon HP workstation that costs north of $15k... lots of performance, but big, ugly and loud.

I can’t think of a better place to take your sinking ship.

At roughly 4600 kg JCSAT-16 was their hardest landing up to that point, but they’ve done better since and landed after lofting the 5300 kg SES-10 satellite to GTO (on a booster that previously lofted the 4200 kg Dragon with 3000 kg of payload to LEO - goes to show you it’s as much orbit as mass).

If he dies, he dies.

I must break you

You will lose.

Premium, dude! She needs premium!!

Honestly, they both fail to scratch that spaceship itch. No controls, no instrumentation...

Let’s not throw stones. Who among us hasn’t overcooked it in that exact tunnel multiple times?

It’s institutionalized minority rule. The craziest, most unreasonable or corrupt ideas have a good chance if you are persistent and can mobilize a small handful of similarly vocal and unreasonable people.

Incoming old man rant: the ridiculous prevalence of ad/brand money to all these useful internet idiots has made them forget that it exists (or has any influence) at all. They are being fed so much that they cant even see the hand anymore. They are all brand bots and when they forget that and try to pull some old

It is a scary thought, since it feels like US automakers have really turned a corner since 2008. In the 90's, there were hardly any class leading US products in any category (excluding trucks, minivans and SUVs).

As a former federal and sometimes NPS employee, who has worked on the mall for another federal employer, I understand that no government agency should get involved in politics (for instance, a director of an agency making vague accusations a few days before voting) ...
... however, the NPS is the managing agency for

Unless I am misunderstanding what you are trying to say, you don’t fully understand your loan. It is a simple interest loan. Interest accumulates on the principal every day. If you continue to make payments a month apart, you will continue to pay one month of interest every time. It doesn’t matter if you pay on

So, to recap:

*admitting I didn’t have a chance to read every line, read through item one then surfed rest*
I see one huge omission at least on the surface...TIME.

If you understand the science behind cooking

“The average plastic bag gets used for 12 minutes,” Julie Lawson, part of an anti-littering organization in Maryland,