


You guys do an awesome job. I applaud you!

We must work for the same place, because I get those too. Unlike the vast, vast majority of phishing emails, the IT department ones look pretty legit.

As a fellow private pilot, and one with experience in a Grumman Tiger, I have to say simply get yourself the Tiger. I’ve never flown anything that loves to fly like a Tiger... and you have the additional benefit of a sliding canopy. No doors, that is, and a fighter-like canopy that you can open in flight for that

The Canadian forces used to (maybe still does) use a thing called a bear trap. The chopper lowers a cable to the boat, then goes full throttle up. A winch drags the chopper to the deck, and the upward thrust of the chopper keeps the line tight so they don’t smash together when the boat pitches up.

Lifehack: audiobooks on CD make sitting in traffic much more tolerable, probably as tolerable as possible unless you’re sitting in a limo with a romantic partner and the privacy shield is up.

Some of us aerospace engineers like to mix it up sometimes and wear polos with our khakis.

What made Game 7 was close was Maddon doing everything he could to lose the game. Starting with using Chapman in Game 6, then panicking and pulling Hendricks and Lester too soon in Game 7. The game would not have been remotely competitive without his buffoonery.

Sure glad they skipped urea injection so they could save money. That’s just smart business.

I hope Mercedes enjoys having to self-insure all of their cars, and having their high-end major loss bond backers raise rates, as well as seeing very painful margins on the claims they will be paying through the nose on when the autonomobiles start whacking pedestrians.

The truly stupid part is that this is not even

Yeah, weird choice to link, there are plenty like this:

I think you underestimate the number of engineers that sit around looking at Jalopnik all day.

Well you say that now but when everybody and their uncle gets their hands on their own WMD then we’ll see if we have the same kind of weird arguments.

Here in Milwaukee, Land of Drunkenness, people who have breathalyzers in their cars pull up to the bar, leave the car running, go inside and get drunk (sometimes for hours), and then walk back to the already-running car to drive home. I shit you not.

I’ve owned iPhones since 2009 and only have had to replace the screen once (no clue how it cracked; went into my pocket okay and came out shattered). Paying for AppleCare is like buying the extended warranty on a used Toyota.

Current Apple employee here. The “Get to yes” initiative is long gone. In my store we have no problem saying “No,” if you’re out of warranty or didn’t buy AppleCare. Stores are tracked by number of exceptions and have a threshold they cannot go past which effects managers’ numbers and mobility.

It’s $130-$150 assuming you only damaged the screen and not the edges.