
It’s funny you mention that, because I was in the US when it happened. We arrived two days before on a three week visit to my uncle and it was touch and go whether we would be able to fly home. It even got to the point where we were seriously considering driving from MO to NY and getting a ship back to the UK.

You’re right, though I would say JFK is probably the worst airport in America, hands down, followed closely by LAX. Well BWI is pretty butt as well. All those silver columns are just... weird.

1st gear:

Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.

The DB9 was an amazing car. Better than it’s predecessor by almost every metric: power, performance, design, chassis engineering, technology, etc. etc. But there is no way ( in my small mind anyhow) that it is more significant to Aston Martin than the DB7. If it wasn’t for Ford’s money and their two welded together

They could even put an ECU in it that adds seventy horsepower when not in “the EPA is checking this" dyno mode too!

Neutral: What’s another option instead of a buyback?

For me learning that, no matter what, I had at the very least some control over my situation. Even back when it was awful (in that I had few options and my pay wasn’t enough to cover my apartment that I shared or my needs like keeping my car maintained or contacts/glasses etc). I could have made better choices in how

I talked about this elsewhere in the comments because somebody else brought it up as well (I’m copying and pasting out of convenience, not to be a dick).

Easy, Tesla drivers = consumers. Pilots = professionals.

I don’t think that’s their issue, because Spotify has been doing that for some time. Apparently their latest update includes a button to open the subscribe page of their website right in the app, which is in violation of the terms of service of the app store.

Dialogue you say?

It’ll never stick.
People are afraid of technology. Especially technology they perceive could kill them (even if safer than themselves).
People are terrible at assessing risk and statistics.
Regulators, lawyers, and insurance companies know this and will capitalize on any anecdotal case, especially this early in the

Patent Examiner/ former Patent Attorney here: One day back at the firm, my managing partner called me into his office to let him know that someone had called him about filing a patent. This person had (sigh) been on a “vision quest” with a shaman, and taken hallucinogens which (sigh) caused him to travel forward in

A website that does as you describe launces in July, aand it says so on the bottom of every page of their tables

May VW owners derive strength through the joy of this restitution.

Oh, absolutely. I was just being captain pedantic for the sake of it. Blame the work I don’t currently feel like doing...

For TDI owners like myself that are anxious to know exactly how much VW will be paying for your car, here it is, broken down by model, year and options.