
I drive a plow as a night gig from time to time, and the dumbass shit the snowplow drivers have to deal with on the regular is pretty damn eye opening. I’ve never caused or been directly involved in an accident, mostly because I know to expect the most idiotic result possible with any sort of traffic interaction.

Great picture makes the best of a terribly-lit parking garage.

I think the trend is more troubling than the quantity.

Our IT department actually sends out fake phishing emails (so at that point its a fake of a fake) to their own users, and if someone clicks the link it says something to the effect of “if this had been a real scam, you’d be scammed by now” and logs which departments have the most offenders.

So much this. My dad’s a pilot and has owned a Tiger since the mid-80s. It was an upgrade from the Yankee he owned before that.

I agree laws around drunk driving could be more strict, but distracted driving has been on the rise for years and needs to be seriously addressed. Distracted driving fatalities are the same order of magnitude as drunk driving, and will likely surpass it in the next ten years if nothing is done to combat it.

The engineers working on this stuff have definitely gotten more specialized over the years.

Personally I’m the perfect demo for this thing and I just don’t want one.

Used Leafs (Leaves?) are pretty ridiculously cheap too, possibly due to the tax credits since new buyers get them but that used buyers don’t. Low-mile examples are well under 10k on craigslist.

I don’t even deal with that much traffic on my normal 45-minute commute (I leave home at 5AM specifically to avoid it), and audiobooks have changed my life.

My dumbass uploaded an expired copy of the registration (too many copies in the glovebox) and got stuck back at square one after 2-1/2 weeks. Now I miss the first wave of dealer appointments and I’m probably stuck with the car until spring at this point.

The universal engineer outfit. It’s either that or jeans and a polo, for more laid-back companies.

This. Snow/ice plus hard freeze presents a pretty ripe situation for the brake getting stuck in my experience, especially on older cars. I’d rather just put it in gear (or park for an auto), which is fine for any reasonably flat parking position.

The real championship in 2004 was the ALCS, as far as I’m concerned. Boston basically steamrolled over the Cardinals.

I have been considering looking for steelies at the local U-pull-it and keeping the alloy rims. Everything I’ve seen in the agreements so far doesn’t have anything prohibiting this.

I’ve been shopping since June, much to the chagrin of my wife :/

Sokath, his eyes uncovered!

Only reason I noticed was because I remember the flyby being in summer last year.

New Horizons will fly past closer to MU69 than Pluto when it made its historic Pluto flyby on January 15, 2015.