
My bad, I grabbed the wrong number. It’ll actually be 15 cents for me all said and done, and that’s with dealer servicing.

Yes, I’m getting more than I paid for it.

I understand that, but your proposal is unfair to people who didn’t drive as much. I don’t think it is fair to demand free use of the car for an unlimited amount of miles for the entire time since the scandal broke. They have to define some standard for “average use” to normalize the payouts. 

I also own one. I do about 28k a year, and am in a similar situation as you. I look at it like this: They are offering free use of the car since the scandal broke, but only at the specified mileage (1040 per month or whatever). Any miles above and beyond that “typical” amount will be reflected in the buyback amount.

Slightly off topic: I’ve seen people use “miles per hour” to indicate the number of miles an electric vehicle is able to receive per hour of charging. Now, I understand why this unit is useful but it just seems clunky to me.

Taking it a step further, you could also back-calculate a value for B x C in this case based on the fact that Samsung is in fact doing the recall. You’d just need to know what the recall is costing them.

Actually, at least in the US the industry is trending towards less aircraft movements, not more. As airlines stuff more and more passengers onto each plane, they are able to move more people with less takeoffs and landings. They are also moving away from regional jets in a lot of short haul routes because people hate

Back when Hillary was campaigning against Bernie in the primaries, there were some good debates starting to happen about the differences in their tax plans. Good god, we’ve gone so far down the rabbit hole since then.

Come come, Mr. Scott. Young minds, fresh ideas.

I have a problem with the touchscreen only if at the same time they take away the physical buttons. All cars I’ve driven with the touchscreen also have redundant tactile controls for all the stuff you use while actually driving. Have you driven any that don’t?

I’ve been on CenturyLink DSL for like 7 years since dropping Concast due mostly to their shitty business practices. Been mostly happy ever since. We’ve got a 40mbit connection now, which while adequate is pretty much maxed out when the whole family is home.

Once you get small enough (think regional airports) there is some opportunity for savings through the essential air service program (federal subsidies to air carriers to fly in and out of small cities). But even with subsidies I don’t think you’re going to beat a hub-to-hub flight like DEN-LAX or something on a cost

We have an Electrolux in our family that originated with my grandma (mom’s side). It’s basically a family heirloom at this point. I’m pretty sure we are going to end up in probate court over the damn thing.

This was the exact car I was waiting on to trade my 2013 TDI. Why couldn’t they have waited 2 more years to get caught?

Sounds like a good excuse.

The largest scale available to the race, currently.

Humans are deeply selfish; global warming and our response to it is proof of that on a planetary scale.

My wife drives a Focus ST. We don’t have a baby anymore but we do have a 15-year old. He hates sitting in the back of the Ford especially on long trips, just due to lack of space. I find I start getting pretty cramped up front after an hour or so. We just haven’t found it to be a good primary car for family stuff or

Well I usually have to work (in the city) on snow days, so I guess I never get a chance to see those signs. It’s definitely a good idea to have the law in place and enforce it. Do they do a checkpoint-type thing to look at people’s equipment?

As a salaried engineer in my day job, I can’t argue with the overtime pay I make while mindlessly driving around all night :)