
I guess I've had good luck. My old Saab never went to a dealer - I always did my own maintenance - so I know no one put air in the tires. They stayed inflated within spec without needing air for years and years. And this was in the northeast, through harsh winters, ice and snow, salt/sand, etc.

After they were initially inflated, obviously.

This would be nice for those who frequently have punctures. I can't remember the last time I had to patch a tire (except on my bike, of course). The last set I wore completely out on my truck - around 50,000 miles - and I never even had to add air.

Yeah, on second thought you already made the point I was making in the article. That it won't go away - just like the desktop PC won't go away - but I agree with you that it is taking a back seat to more portable devices for a large segment of consumers.

Unless there is a breakthrough in input methods and processing power/efficiency, there will always be a place for laptops with folks who need to do real work in locations other than their home or office. Whether or not that cross-section of people is growing or dwindling I can't say, but for now it exists.

They're just playing the game that everyone else is playing. Google is more into hardware every day - they bought Motorola, and sell Nexus devices (although these are typically from third party manufacturers). HP tried to go the other way when they bought Palm, although it didn't work out too well for them.

This is America. Whoever has the deepest pockets is the one we sue. And we all know the government is broke, so...

Finally, I have an excuse to talk to pretty girls walking down the street... when I serve them court papers for distracting traffic.

From personal experience, I think a lot of "asshole" drivers these days are just distracted - last-minute lane changes, getting cut off, that sort of thing is usually because the person couldn't be bothered to spend the brain power to be aware of their surroundings while piloting their 2-ton death machine. It's pretty

I dunno, I think most asshole drivers will be fine with letting the car drive in the slow lane. In a sense you are relegating yourself to being a passenger. Most people wouldn't tell the person driving them around to be more of an asshole. Or, maybe I'm underestimating just how asshole-ish people can be.

Yep, just like traffic lights:

This comment is excellent satire.

It could also be improving power use. I don't own one, but I have seen that many are not happy with the battery performance of the iphone 5, so going to a new SOC could be an attempt to improve longevity without adding more battery.


As usual, whatever you're used to is better.

What you have in a helicopter is a stick for control

but nuclear consultant Mycle Schneider says

I'll just mention that if you do decide to do the Ft. Collins brewery tour, make sure you start with O'Dells and work your way from there, ending up drunk and at the Budweiser brewery.

I'd say Pueblo is more like The Worcester, MA of Colorado. People have heard of Detroit, and despite its woes, things actually come out of there.

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