
Think about it this way - tablets have the same or similar SOCs as smartphones, and some tablets run at this resolution just fine. The Nexus 10 has a 2560x1600 display and a dual-core ARM A15 (with quad-core GPU) SOC.

From the description, it sounds like they just rebranded the instant queue and added auto-sort. Also, it sounds like not all markets had the instant queue previously? Weird.

Would this be the only half-ton diesel on the US market?

Good to know, but I just use OTA TV which is free and works just fine.

A friend used to have Dish years and years ago, and their box allowed you to hide channels that you weren't subscribed to, and also to setup custom channel lists, so you could filter out just the channels you actually watched.

Ok, but they'd still have the same problem since the connector changed.

Not to mention lightning connector being standard across their line...

They need to standardize to the new sync/charge connector. My guess is they would rather not sell 30-pin devices anymore (iphone 4S and 4, specifically), and they needed a free-on-contract level device and the iphone 5 is too expensive to be that.

Probably so their whole lineup is lightning and they can be rid of the 30-pin connector.

At the peak of rush hour, the light rail from where I live to downtown Denver is just slightly faster than driving. Any other time, it is a lot longer. Probably about 1.5 hours door to door. Of course, it's a wonderful resource for people who live in the burbs but would still like to go out drinking downtown.

I think that despite a vocal minority, people in this country (the US) have shown that they prefer air travel on longer distances. Sure, it would be nice to have a high-speed rail network but I doubt taxpayers would be willing to foot the bill, which would probably cost more than the interstate system did, even

Someone made a small fortune on all the copper that used to be in those transformers and all the busbars and wiring, as it appears to all have been stripped out.

Heh, as if 3/4 of Gizmodo's daytime traffic isn't doing the same.

Hmmm... yeah, I like that one better. I pick it up juuust after 15k, so I guess my hearing is almost under 40... heh.

I always wondered about that. I also have had some decently loud systems (1000W of subs or so) in past cars. Right now I've got a more modest setup in my truck, because I didn't want to sacrifice the backseat. 2-10W1s on a 500/1 amp, completely hidden behind the rear bench seat. Still gets the job done, apparently,

I grew up on the Vineyard, and when Clinton would come visit it was not a big deal. You could drive by the end of the road where he was staying and see the motorcade and everything. He came and had brunch at a restaurant where we were eating. Man, times have sure changed.

Yeah, I thought it might be my speakers, so I had a coworker come listen. They could hear a bunch of frequencies that I couldn't.

Well, I'm 31 and I can't hear the 15kHz tone. That's depressing :(

You could fly from Farmingdale to Westchester county in about 15 minutes, though...

The two points on that map are physically about 15-20 miles apart. That might be stretching the meaning of "a few" (personally I'd have chosen "a handful"), but not that much. It might take an hour to drive there, but that doesn't change the distance.