
Rabbit ears are still very much part of modern life (for a cord-cutter who watches sports, anyway). It seems like everyone forgets that OTA HDTV exists and works quite well in many areas, even with dinky set-top antennas.

I have a Ford and the Sync UI is not bad, but we have had nothing but problems with the actual function and I would be happy to trade a worse UI for less bugs.

My dad's got a Tiger! Great little plane. He's had his since the mid-80s. I don't know what he paid back then, but it was probably around $40k. All through my childhood it was our family truckster. We flew all the way down the east coast from MA to FL in that plane. It's actually amazing how accessible general

More specifically, if he is selling items for $2500 or less, the fee is 10%, but yeah I get what you're saying.

In the case of this particular item, it looks like they would charge the maximum fee of $250. If the game sells for $15,000, that's 1.7%.

I should clarify that I always go for the "preferred" seats (usually I am flying to the east coast on Jetblue) so I board first. You're correct that front bin space fills up. Definitely worth the $20 for me, and my boss has never questioned the expense report as Jetblue is a relatively low cost ticket even with the

Well done, but you forgot to substitute "$" in their name - it's Micro$oft.

There are so many ways to get Netflix onto the tv nowadays that I think this speaks to the increasing trend of cord cutters more than people moving away from the tv, but its probably a combination of both.

Thanks, didn't know that.

I always sit in the front, because then you get off the plane sooner.

App, in this context, is pretty clearly referring to applications on mobile devices and not desktop applications. You'll notice Adobe is not charging $699 for their mobile "Photoshop" app and nor is anyone else, because the platform just doesn't lend itself to workstation style software.

I don't really have too many problems with the stock mail app. It works well with my workflow. Choice is nice, though. I wish iOS would let these third-party apps actually replace the stock ones so you could free up the memory that's still going to be in use by mail even if you never open it, and allocate it to

I think it's being used correctly here. Since the amount of fuel available is finite, it is valid to express the total energy content. Using Watt-hours instead of Joules just puts it into more familiar terms.

Even at the current 10 gig, an external GPU would run circles around any onboard graphics like the intel 4000 in a lot of ultrabooks.

Hype machine is a competing product.

If they search your house, and admit an encrypted hard drive as evidence, then you are compelled to decrypt it or you are guilty of obstruction - the same would happen with the iMessages.

It seems like you are framing this as a bad thing. It's not a bad thing. Is encryption illegal? Should we be denied the option of encrypted communication just because the government doesn't want us to?

Wouldn't you say you're boiling it down a little too far? It's the same thing as arguing that the game of hockey is little more than people on skates having a fistfight.

I will agree that there is less exertion overall than things like soccer and basketball in baseball. However, aside from anomalies such as Moyer, most people retire from baseball at about the same age they retire from Football or Basketball. There's less running but it's still a fairly physical sport at which only

The lonely safety switch in the alley is probably just abandoned from an old air conditioner that's no longer there.