Id throw my money at Count of the Jurassic Island.
Id throw my money at Count of the Jurassic Island.
No it's absolutely not. At least in the context you are using. We don't convict on probability and we shouldn't in the public view either.
I've heard those numbers and I'm not denying them, but an innocent person is an innocent person even if it's only 2-8%.
starting a conversation about it is the last thing that needs to happen. She accused him of raping her, he tried to contact her and ask her what's up, and she went radio silent. Maybe that is because she is going to let lawyers do her talking, maybe that is because she feels like she got called out on a distortion…
What does it matter what the percentages are? We know that false rape claims are made. We also as a society believe in the concept of presumption of innocence. Why should those accused of rape not get the same treatment (especially when no charges have ever been filed and no evidence ever presented)?
damned if he does damned if he doesn't if he denies it and fights it ppl will assume he is lying if he dosen't people assume he did it and feels guilty because in the court of public opinion if you are accused of a sex crime you are guilty. remember that case from the 80's the family that ran a day care that got…
So are you saying, statistically, he's guilty?
Ummm.. what if this turns legal? You don't think maybe the kinds of meandering thoughts and questions you hoped he would pose could potentially hurt his case?
"For us as the public, that's the only useful thing he could have done."
I'm sorry, but I'm completely confused as to why what he said, in his first paragraph, was wrong.
He flat out stated, "We never had sex."
... When did rape get reclassified to making out? Or is this a social redefining of rape that I haven't kept up on, not the actual legal definition?
He wasn't even making this about…
In what world was he REQUIRED to start a larger conversation? It's a personal matter, and he says it is painful to him, so not wanting to open up the floor to a greater debate is pretty understandable.
They fucked and had sex, but after the guy became rich and famous she went to accuse him of rape so he would pay up money.
Because Third Wave Feminism has completely destroyed the definition of rape. Had sex that you regret? Thats Rape. Had sex but afraid someone would judge you for it? Rape. Don't like someone and want to destroy their life? Rape. Look at a woman wrong? Rape. Exist as a male? Rape.
This also makes it a thousand times…
Only partway through, but I don't see how his initial post was bad? I mean, he says he didn't rape her, provides his side of the story, and that's that.
This is complete bullshit. If he didn't rape someone, he should absolutely defend himself. People are raped and it's horrible, but people are also falsely accused and that's also an injustice. These things come down to pure "he said, she said" and that's what makes them so difficult, but an innocent person…
He's not trying to start a conversation about consent, he's trying to make a response to an accusation that he sexually assaulted someone.
Because this could be really cool for Alien super-fans
Seriously? One guy posts a vid to 9chan where he targets people with certain backgrounds (not just minority although it makes for a better headline. The hentai enthusiast was a white chick, and the person who is evading taxes was white, and the 9-11 guy was white, ext.....) and you think it's newsworthy? Damn your…
I wonder why this asshole hasn't written a movie. Oh wait, because it's much easier to piss on other people's works.