
If you require auto-updating tweets and facebook posts to tell your friends these things, you do not actually have friends.

Yeah! It's not like people like different things, right? It's like, why would you even need anything other than WoW, Halo, and CoD, ritebros?

Way to have an ashtray for a soul, buddy.

Dude, it's not that one game does it. That's fine. It's that they do this in almost every. Single. Game. Ever. So yeah, the questions should be asked: why does this character have to be a guy again? Why do they have to be white again? Are we, as a gaming culture, so terrified of something different than the mainstream

Yeah, you're right! The real question here is why aren't we shoehorning MORE male characters into EVERYTHING!? We'll only reach equality once 100% of games have boys in the-OH WAIT that's basically where we already are. And once there are boys in 100% of games, I'm sure we'll all jump right into getting girls playable

Dear every guy going "BUT BATMAN IS SEXY CAUSE OF MUSCLES," remember the difference between an idealized, sexualized, fetishized fantasy and a power fantasy. Batman has big manly power fantasy muscles. Most girls don't get all that hot and tingly for guys like him. They get tingly for guys like David Tenant and Gackt

For every incident in which someone gets off their ass and actually does something creative or cool, there shall always be an army of internet nerds racing to their keyboards to be the first to say "Meh."

Video games don't need to drag people out of their caves to play them anymore. We did it. We won. Congratulations us! Everyone will come around eventually as the fuddy-duddies die off.

Because of that, I feel like this article is intellectually disingenuous. Not every game is for every person, and every BioShock game

This is interesting. While I do truly loathe the growing surveillance society that is developing in many modernized nations, I wonder if indiscriminate camera bashing is the answer. Maybe a more targeted campaign against the worst offenders? See, my girlfriend was once followed home from a bar by some drunk piece of

I can see why you might feel that way, but as the article said, masturbation and porn are highly personal, and they are not "privileges" that can be revoked just because a person is in a relationship. Yesterday, my girlfriend was like "I have a confession. When I woke up and you were in the other room making