+1 - sometimes referred to as going "regimental" as well.
+1 - sometimes referred to as going "regimental" as well.
Canadian Telcos are so far behind the rest of the world it's not even funny. That said, they are making a shite load of loonies. We simply don't have enough competition and the gov't is currently enjoying a major bootlicking from the telcos so it won't allow much for competition.
I call bullshiat!
I use Juice Defender Ultimate. My phone battery is well-looked after with that app.
#Android - I have just purchased my first smartphone - Samsung Galaxy S Captivate. I am wondering what sites/blogs Android users follow and your thoughts on a couple of must-have apps.
@eryk81: The Canadian gov't "watchdog" for this very thing, the CRTC, has major media corp executives on their board of directors. Essentially the feds are complicit in allowing the telcos here to do whatever the frak they want to. There is definitely NO net neutrality in Canada, and likely never will be.
@isaias.ri: Let's not forget that the porn industry is largely to be credited with online business models that work, and they have driven the innovation of streaming and online payments for their services. Porn has been instrumental in the early evolution of the web.
@jrefenes: Wrong. There would be no reason to innovate as an ISP if you control all of the bandwidth. Have a look at what the big telcos are doing in Canada. It will KILL innovation for everybody.
@reapur: They (media companies, with the fed. gov. agency CRTC complicit) are starting to do exactly this. Look to Canada to be the first country to make the internet irrelevant to business, culture, and freedom of expression. Sux to be us.
@Goenitz: Buzz is already available as a mobile app.
@pschroeter: No, I never have that feeling. I have the feeling that the dinosaurs have seen the asteroid impact, but they are pretending it didn't happen; soon they will be extinct and they can only blame themselves.
@LtRav3nw00d: Thankfully we have the example of unbiased, fair and balanced views of the right-wing media to follow. Only the lefties are dumb enough to be unbalanced.
@irish_stickman: I was a devout FF user and ever since Chrome came out I've turned my back on all other browsers. For me, I found that I spent way too much time looking for extensions and way less time getting out of the interwebs what I wanted.
@Garbagedick: Nice find!
@NickBomb: Agreed.
@TehBeardMan: I have the same question. Useless otherwise.
Does anyone know where I can find the source video for the Hitler meme?
@Bluestump86: I'll check out the link. It's an upgrade to Home Premium Vista to Home Premium Win 7 so hopefully I'll not have an issues. Thanks for your help.
@krazydonutboy: Thanks for your help.
@jbhak4: Thanks for the suggestions and link. I've never had a Linux anything on any computer I've ever owned - maybe it's time to change that, eh? :)