nubian sasquatch

uh, i’m not here to address tangential-at-best points. the one point here is (and i am speaking as a full-time, paid writer, in a field where ambiguity is verboten): yes, “dick” can be used to indicate antagonism, but it does so in an inherently antagonistic way. it’s like stopping a knife-fight by stabbing the

EXACTLY. the term “dick” is antagonistic. so is “douche”. so is “asshole”. i could go on. it’s the difference between saying “your attitude is terrible” (which is valid criticism) and “you are terrible” (which is just a personal attack).

lol you’re really set on trying to prove calling someone you don’t know a dick is ok, aren’t you?

so, taking that context to its conclusion: S1D is a good friend of yours? you hang out a lot and have a great time doing things together outside of internet comment threads?

actually it is highly dependent on vocabulary. it’s also dependent on syntax and context, and jumping into a disagreement with “you dick” and intending to dial up the emotional factor is not a civil thing to do.

uh, most civil people don’t call each other dicks at all, regardless of temper or saintliness. if you reach the point where you resort to calling someone a dick, you’re a bit past explaining yourself in a “calm” manner.

calling people a dick also isn’t very chill