If this is the reason you’re now not going to play this game you are a very sensitive person. A snowflake, if you will.
If this is the reason you’re now not going to play this game you are a very sensitive person. A snowflake, if you will.
Taking a brave stand to defend ethnocentrism and outright racism, I see.
Must be lonely up there on that wall.
Have fun not playing a game you’d otherwise enjoy because its devs don’t want it associated with a racist.
Oh noooooooooo
Hey. Fuck you too.
I wonder if they will replace Jontron’s voice with Nolan North’s.
I’m mexican, I live in México...
You guys are fucking idiots, tbh. I’m not necessarily shitting on thinking these Let’s Plays account for the majority of sales boosts, but know your facts!
Bayonetta 2 has ALWAYS been that price for the first-print copies! That Amazon link you guys showed has always had a $90+ value...because the combo packs were…
Butch Vig + Shirley Manson ( who loves the San Antonio Spurs no less ) garbage is one of my favorite 90s bands. Still have first 2 CDs.
“If you thought Star Wars Battlefront was insubstantial, you’re not alone. The folks running EA agree” and yet that still didn’t stop them from stretching less than a $60 games worth of content across a $60 game and a $50 season pass, and now we’re going to blame a movie release schedule for that decision?
Lack of a…
Players: “We think this stat might be broken, tell us what it does.”
The job is already exceedingly well paid; you don’t get the salary and benefits of a programming job by clocking off the second the work day is over.
And yet this article only gets a single paragraph honorable mention while the other gets a full blown page. ;)
Everyone knows which means there’s no point in saying it as though it’s some amazing revelation, but if you’re desperate to be dull you still can anyway as long as you’re not a colossal fucking dickspittle about it. You failed, now fuck off.
I’m drunk at an airport, though this was a Deadspin article. Thought there was a new commissioner in the NFL, got really confused. I hope I make my flight.
Microsoft looked at the PC market and said “Hey this platform that we’ve been developing the #1 operating system for for the last 25 years, looks like it has the largest install base of any gaming platform. Let’s continually release distribution services that fuck them over.”
Not to be that guy, but for all that talk of “PC Master Race” that goes around, a LOT of PC ports either have problems or are just half assed. Not absolving consoles from their problems either of course, but PC has problems just like them. Maybe now all that master race talk will finally die out.
Yep that’s it.
Simplifying the way you eat is also a good way to go: A protein, a veggie, and a starch (optional). For example, on my way home from work I might pick up a salmon steak and some bok choy (almost any green veggie will work, watercress, kale, spinach, etc). When you get home, put some teriyaki sauce on the salmon and…