and 100 more

I feel like you’d get used to it pretty quickly. Personally I don’t understand why anyone really cares where the shifter is on an automatic, as long as it’s within reach but not in the way. Console shifters are in the way, so they’re the only type that is notably worse than the others as far as I’m concerned.

Ford Tauruses too. I had a 2000. The bench was split like 45/10/45, and could seat 3 across theoretically. The middle had a fold up/down armrest, but also the seat cushion part came up and hinged forward to create a console for drinks, phone, food, etc.

Damn, dudes. How exactly is she to know who is and who is not a creep before they get in her car? And shut up about being “woke” and “virtue signaling”, I think what you’re looking for is “not being an ignorant asshole”. 

They are a fragile bunch, and they melt so easily.

Right??!! Women shouldn’t need a physical barrier.

It seems you've triggered the creepers. 

You do realize that bench seats in trucks are about as rare as manuals these days. especially in anything but work trim.

But bench seats in trucks are selling less well than they used to. 

We have an early Model S (2013 P85). Ours has the original carpeting in that space and we love having it fully open. I can stash my whole backpack in there, my wife can toss her purse there, I’ve put an entire grocery bag there as well.

Living in Canada if I can’t put on or take off my jacket ( or second jacket) while sitting in the drivers seat I don’t really want that car. The wrap around everything design on cars is actually a pain to live with unless you are sitting in the drivers position with hands at 10 & 2 (or 9 & 3). Jeez designers understand

I have an early Tesla Model S (2013 P85) before Tesla started filling the center console space with an actual center console. Looks like this:

Yeah, I mean I would love to be able to say I could cut back on the amount of creeps in the car but sadly you never know who is going to go from regular dude to nasty creeper as soon as they get the chance until they actually do it. Most creeps don’t walk around with a big neon sign above their head stating “creeper

I apologize for all of the victim shaming going on here. Some people think their high and mightly life is something they need to project on others, with no f@*king clue what others are going through. 

Written by a man who loves road head.

FWD based AWD cars don’t have a large transfer case in that area, at least not any that don’t have longitudinally mounted drivetrains.

Oh hey, I was worried this was going to be another “rah rah I want technology to remain in the 1970s” piece. I’m glad it’s not.

I like having one, helps remind guys to keep their hands and legs to themselves while I’m driving. Anything that helps the American male be less of a creeper is a good thing in my book.

Seriously, what is the deal with center consoles. They must be the most inefficient use of space in any modern car. There's nothing in em, yet they're massive. It doesn't need to be this way!