and 100 more

You can now sign the "Petition Gawker to petition Jalopnik to petition Raphael Orlove to release part two of his Baja Bug story." Get to it right here. Come on people, Obama's not going to read this without your help!

That's fine, if you don't want your ramen to be a soup. A lot of people, myself included, prefer it to be the soup it was always meant to be.

That method is normally used for dry or so called mixed ramen. Never heard of that sprinkle method in Chinese or Japanese culture for soup ramen.

TIL there's a reason why I get hungry hitting the menu button.

Cole Slaw'd?

That is possibly one of the best reasons I've heard on here to not have that. Of course with that being said this is America and we'll be taking the easy way out please. #freedom

My ex had a '12 SL AWD and that's how we said it.

I pronounce the Super-Handling All Wheel Drive (SH-AWD) from Acura As "Shawd", so I don't see why not to do that here.

Slawd, that is one slow truck!

This is hilarious. It's like that picture of the Earth they took from Mars.

it looks straight to me...