and 100 more

My girlfriend and I were having some fun in her walk-in closet the other day, and she reached for the boys, and... i had forgotten how much i enjoy that, it’s been so long since they had any attention. She was very gently stroking them, to the point that i asked her to grip them harder, since the stroking was

  • Avocado half, pitted

I disable auto-update, and only go thru and update the apps once a month or so. I know they say to keep your apps up-to-date, but the current Android app turnover is ridiculous compared to a couple years ago.

Moto X4 here, and yeah, I only reboot when it gets weird, which is rare, or after required security update. No-frills vanilla Android FTW.

Awesome, thank you!

What are those big, thick noodles in the lede image? They almost look like udon.

Do you, boo, I ain’t here to judge! Just offering the other person a solution.

Take a metal ladle, put some ice in it, and skim the top of your sauce with the backside of the ladle. The cold metal will collect and solidify a lot of the fat on the ladle, which can then be scraped off.

These had a Total Integrated Power Module, which was basically a switchboard for all the electrical equipment. If these went bad, you’d get some wacky things happening. The Compass/Caliber/Patriot did have potential for wiring loom wearing against part of the internal body and causing a short, but this was far less

Came here to say this. If you know, you know.

I counted nine.

Jalopnik staff... please get K-Roll to share his stories! He’s fucking awesome, and his cars are fucking awesome!

I heard a cop once say, “You can outrun me, but you can’t outrun Motorola.” 

The gray vehicle in the first video is a Toyota Rav4, if I’m not mistaken, but definitely not a Jeep Compass. A pedantic point considering the context, i know, but for sake of accuracy i thought I’d point that out.

“THE NIKOLA TESLA OF ABIGAIL FISHERS” had me. Fucking brilliant! 

I would find a way to just ride it like a skateboard. Some kinda Segway-esque lean-to-steer setup with some foot bindings (for safety!), maybe a hand-actuated throttle/brake similar to the one-pedal setup on the Leaf.
