
Because they always put “soy” or “veggie” before the burger part to let you know it’s not meat. This literally just says, “Just Eggs”. Unless you looked on the back, the ingredients, or the fine print, you probably wouldn’t think that this was vegan.

Double Yikes.


A classic symptom of caffeine addiction.  Some people consume it so much they actually need it to sleep.

What’s up with his sleeves?

Once again, Beyonce proves to be the mirror that reflects the vicious hatred America has for the black woman. Once again...

Wair wait... real peanut butter?? Is that a luxury in Japan??

HAL Simulator 2019.

I have been personally attacked by these abominations. I shall see you in court.

You’re speaking from your own subconscious. Quit while you’re ahead--and you’re not ahead by much. 

Just stop.

For me it’s most likely because I started playing and beat the game just last year, but I have just no draw to play through the entire story again. I love literally everything about the game, but I’ve never had the itch to go back and play a Persona game I’ve already beaten. The stories are just substantial, and a

Best comment I’ve read on a kinja post in probably a year. Don’t disagree with a single thing you said. Educational, but you weren’t an ass about it. 5/5

You will never get the credit and props you deserve with this comment and that makes me sad. Be proud, fellow Kinja Knight. Your efforts do not go unnoticed.

Oh god, the modern movie “bwwwwaarrrrrrrrnnngg” noise...? I feel like they’re going for some form of stylized realism and it looks great in some places and kinda horrible in others... Main character and that black woman’s face look soooo off. I can’t be the only one that sees this— I haven’t seen a single comment

Can I just say that Philly snippet was fucking PHENOMENAL!? I was over her snapping like I was listening to some spoken word and I’m not even from there! Such poetry! 

Chile, whatever you do, don’t move to Hollywood. I have to escape for my daily dose of blackness-- Inglewood be saving my life.

This hurt me.

For the love of Zeus, move the charging port to literally ANYWHERE but the bottom. Just don’t give us another Switch that has both a kickstand AND a charging port on the bottom.

Literally the ONLY reason to go Arby’s-- HOLY SHIT!