
Ultimately, the work of the many other artists is irrelevant. You vote with your dollar, and purchasing this game is in at least some ways giving a pass to the behavior thus conditioning him into becoming steadfast in his toxic beliefs.

Also, Series Composer is not a small role. It would be hard NOT to think of the

Aah, the ol’ “Do it for the Cash App and notoriety at the cost of alienating and undermining millions that have actual problems” scheme.

I love you.

You’re totally right and I noticed this the 3rd time around watching (I’m at work and my computer volume is quite low). But he looked so close to old Dante and the volume was so low, in my mind all that came out was DmC Dante’s voice lol. I still hate Nero’s redesign.

The actual Ghost in The Shell movie trailer.

The first time I watched this, I was filled with anger because Nero looked exactly like reboot Dante with retconned hair. I thought it was clever they incorporated Nero’s moveset into retcon Dante with a robotic arm, but I was still made they didn’t just listen to the fans.

I’ve been making these with a bit of Soyrizo and it’s the greatest vegan dish I’ve ever made. I can’t wait to try it with actual cheese and chorizo!

This made me laugh more than I thought it would.

Coming from somebody that has never been able to sit through a KH (and BELIEVE me, I’ve tried), I feel like this gameplay would eventually get on my nerves due to the many, many ways combat is interrupted for little cutscenes.

Y’all have no idea how happy it makes me to know that not only was Bayo the character ported over to a new game series, her CHARACTER was ported over as well!

I just.....I just don’t see how turning one of the only remaining Action game titles —a genre that is almost exclusively monopolized by Platinum (and not even by choice)— into.... an open world sandbox game that we’ve played countless times over with “excellent combat” is anything AT ALL to celebrate.

I’m sure the

Now playing

It’s more that most people aren’t willing to seek out nuances in combat that aren’t spelled out for them.

This, but with the XL Chalupa. How on earth did that slip through our fingers? Also, BAJA SAUCE!!!

I you’re in LA (specifically Hollywood) and don’t have an instagram, your work will be twice as difficult. It’s a ubiquitous platform that is easily accessible, and people literally judge you out here based upon your following/like ratios and your most recent work (usually the first 9 posts).

WAIT A DAMN MINUTE! Is Bayonetta $10 right now!?

An entire year later and you’re still my favorite commentor on anything.

There is a clear correlation between guests that become food critics when you ask of the quality of the food and the stars of a restaurant.

Lower star customers give you “Good”s or jokes. Upper star customers give you tales recounted from their days spent among the Nepali children and how humbled they are as people.

Sara would get snoozed.

Actually, no, that’s not the case.
Even though the girl in the film was technically unable to consent due to her age, she actually WANTED a sexual situation with Spacey. Spacey backed down after coming to his senses.

In THIS situation, the adolescent involved in no way wanted a sexual experience with Spacey, meaning

Whelp... Time to 100% this..... again.
